Battle for BR 2,016: The 2,010 Edition

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Battle for BR 2,016: The 2,010 Edition
Battle Report

Campaign: The Brikpocalyptik Epiks

Started: January 2015

Finished: January 2015

Hosted By: Quantumsurfer

Quantumsurfer and Friends
Forum Threads
Forum Thread

The Battle for BR 2,016 is a continuation of user Quantumsurfer's seemingly annual New Year's celebration of BrikWars and its community. It represents the user's gratitude for, and appreciation of, the community and his participation therein, as well as the user's predilection to go to absurd lengths for the sake of a few even halfway decent chuckles. The report attempts to weave personalities and events from the previous year into its storyline with both serious aplomb and good natured humor. 2016's battle was unfortunately delayed somewhat due to a lack of parts but a first prologue was put up as a placeholder.

Battle for BR 2,016 Archive

Prologue, Part One

Prologue, Part Two

Round Zero

Round One