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The following is a comprehensive list of Characters from the [[Gold Sector]]  
The following is a comprehensive list of Characters from the [[Gold Sector]]  
==Galacian Imperiya==
|<span style="color:#ff0000">'''All characters of this era with the exception of one were considered to be wiped out in the Monolith Event, part of [[Ragnablok]]. This list is no longer Kanon and has been erased'''</span>
===Alexander Shulga===
'''Alexander Kerjit Shulga, Imperator of Greater Galacia'''
Alexander Shulga is the Imperator of the Galacian Empire,  It's head of state and supreme commander. Born during the Elkossian Empire and growing up during the Great Peach War, Shulga became a skilled veteran at an early age. After the war and the fall of the Elkossian Empire, he worked as a General for the various Elkossian Enclave governments until they unified into the Galacian state, Where he led the campaigns in the west against Communist seperatists in the re-unification wars of R.2012-2013. By R.2015 he was a member of the Military High Command Triumvirate, as leader of the ground forces along with the Navy's Grand admiral Kazakhov and the Commander of the National Guard, Voronin.
Shulga was seen as the most senior member of the Trio, and selected Stephan Tesarik as the President of the civilian transitionary government, and stepped back from the public eye to work on R&D projects with the Military, at the conclusion of the R.2016 Galacian Republik Elections, he was upset at the defeat of Tesarik by an inexperienced outsider.. And tensions rose pretty much from the start between Shulga and the now President Lahey. Lahey would try to use his power to wrestle control away from military strongmen and give it back to the civilian government.
Lahey was an incompetent leader, He was drunk almost all the time and rarely acted in a way that Shulga approved of,  in mid R.2017, Shulga deposed Lahey by force in a Military coup,  seizing control for himself and turning Galacia into an autocracy, citing that he believed he was the only one who could "Steer the ship through the tough waters ahead", referencing the wars that Galacia had become involved in. notably the [[Galacian Civil War]] and the [[Arhus Crisis]]
In addition to his prowess in Military leadership and Development, he is a skilled Pilot, Psionik, and swordfighter, wielding a rare, powerful OT Beamsaber, however he stopped using it in R2018 and switched to an allegedly enchanted black blade.
|[[File:shulga1.jpg|400px|thumb|center|Shulga in his normal attire, He had worn a helmet and mask for many years as a result of hiding extreme facial scarring he recieved during the Peach wars.]]
|[[File:shulga2.jpg|400px|thumb|center|Shulga underwent reconstructive surgery in R.2017 to appear more in line with his body doubles, after an assassination plot was uncovered]]
|[[File:shulga3.jpg|400px|thumb|center|Shulga's second suit, which he crafted himself specifically for personal field use. It matches the colors of his personal  Bogatyr Guard]]
===Galacian Military===
''When Shulga became the supreme leader of Galacia's new Imperiya, he stated that he desired the Military triumvirate of the Army, Navy and Colonial defense forces to continue to exist, although under a new name. ''
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|Vlad Kazakov
|Imperiya Navy Admiralflota, Galacian Kommissariat
|Kazakov is the top naval commander of the Imperiya and has been since R.2014.
|Stan Voronin
|Imperiya Armiya Komdiv, Galacian Kommissariat
|Voronin has been an enigma, he had long been a silent partner in the triumvirate. He is the top commander of the Colonial defense forces
|William Bryzgalov
|Imperiya Armiya Komdiv, Galacian Kommissariat
|Bryzgalov is a younger but skilled general who took the place of Shulga as the top Armiya commander
'''Military Commanders'''
Please redirect to [[Monolith characters]]
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|Tachenko "The Bulldozer"
|Imperiya Armiya Komdir
|known by the nom de guerre "Bulldozer" Komdir Tachenko is a mountain of a minifig, incredibly tough and also violent. He rules over a few Systems in the Yugalatz region however he left his territories to lead ISA forces in the [[Arhus Crisis]], where he was the commanding officer of Galacian forces in [[Operation Schadenfreude]]
|Imperiya Navy Admiral
==Kynazdom of Volhinya==
===Karl Magadan II, Kynaz of the principality of Volhinya===
*''This Character is deceased''
Kynaz Magadan II of Volhinya was the head of state of the small nation of Volhinya, he was said to be a relative of the late Aldemir emperor and claimed to be the heir to the defunct Elkossian Empire (Although the Monarchy had been abolished during the Peach War). Magadan's father was responsible for the establishment of the Province of Volhinya, initially a place to send war refugees, they developed their own nation after Elkoss collapsed.
Magadan II's reign was short, he died in battle against Trianglist insurgents on Outer Haven in the [[Second Battle of Outer Haven]], dying without an heir, Volhinya lost much of it's prestige and was forced to seek the help of stronger empires to maintain it's existence
|[[File:Magadan.jpg|600px|thumb|center|Kynaz Magadan II, In battle armor during the Second Battle of Outer Haven, he would perish in this battle.]]
===General Guba===
After the death of Magadan, General Guba took control of the government while his forces defended the Widowed Queen Magadan against abolitionist rebels. He sought the assistance of foreign powers, requesting an invitation to the [[Third Alliance]] and the [[Rubrum Crucesignatis]] Pact, willing to join whichever alliance would take them.
==Zagorian systems Republik==
===President Rick Marshall===
===General Aguya===
General Russel Aguya is the highest ranking general of the Zagorian colonial Defense Force (ZDF)
===Jim Lahey===
*''This character is deceased''
Sucessor to Stepan Tesarik, and President of the 2nd Galacian Republik before being overthrown by Shulga, Lahey was a career drunk with a soft heart, His policies directley led to the creation of Cherhovna Bryhada and his incompetence and ineptitude led to his ousting at the hands of the now Galacian Imperiya. He drank himself into a coma after [[Operation Schadenfruede]] had become known to him, and by the time he awoke he was confined to a wheelchair, and he was rushed away by his aides in fear that Shulga's forces would arrest him. Lahey's children remained in Galacia, but he fled into the Zagorian region with a small number of loyalists, those loyalists joined the Zagorian Rebels and in some sense, the 2nd Republik would live on in Zagoria, although not by Lahey's rule. He died from complications of his lifetime of drinking in late R2017
== Zakhidna Cherhovna Bryhada ==
===Stepan Tesarik===
*''This Character is deceased''
Tesarik the president of Galacia from R.2014 until R.2016, after being defeated in the 2016 election, he stormed out of the capital and began working with disgruntled heavily armed paramilitaries in the west of the Sector, the region was recovering from the devastation of a war with Communists, and most of the peach population also lived in the western systems.  Driven mad by his successor's "sissyness" he started the right wing hardliner group known as the "Cherhovna Bryhada", and the group became known for violent attacks against peaches as well as the "pacifass" government.
While skilled at riling the people up, Tesarik had a poor mind for inspiring loyalty or dedication. In the latter half of R2017 the Bryhada fractured between the nationalist and anti peach camps. Whike cherhovna  bryhada was initially founded as a nationalist cell to do the dirty work that the government wouldn't.  Tesarik branded the nationalist eastern chapter as traitors when one of his chief lieutenants "Drazal" abandoned him.  They would not be the last. Tesarik died in the beginning of R2018  at a celebration  when two more lieutenants "Sirena" and "Flak" usurped and murdered him and rejoined with the eastern chapter with Sirena as the lead warlord
|[[File:tesarik.jpg|400px|thumb|center|'''Stepan Tesarik''' former President of the Galacian Republik, later a racist warlord until his death in R.2018 ]]
|[[File:drazal.jpg|400px|thumb|center|'''"Sirena"''' (Real name unknown) is the woman believed to be the leader of Cherhovna Bryhada, under her influence ZCB was taken from a small regional gang, into a major paramilitary faction with influence all over the western sector, as well as an alliance with the [[Syndikat]] making both groups significantly stronger.]]
==PAC and other Peach Unionists==
===General Caine===
General Caine "Real name unknown" is a 45th Union general who was sent with a division of troops and vehicles to pose as paramilitaries in the west of the Gold Sector, and bolster the rebels there against the Imperiya and others. However shortly before the operation began, he was comprimised by Yuri, who used him as a puppet to shift the campaign to serve Yuri's wishes. This went undetected as the Peach rebels and their Union supporters continued to perform the duties expected of them. Caine continued to bring in more and more supplies and volunteers to the cause. While most were sent into combat in one of the various units under his supervision, some minifigs would be smuggled off to serve Yuri directley as he built his own army.
|[[File:caine.jpg|400px|thumb|center|'''General Azamat''' A plant from the 45th Union who organized the rebellion of Soviet Peachenegs and formed their own proto-state in the Gold Sector. ]]

Latest revision as of 15:40, 4 June 2019

The following is a comprehensive list of Characters from the Gold Sector

All characters of this era with the exception of one were considered to be wiped out in the Monolith Event, part of Ragnablok. This list is no longer Kanon and has been erased

Please redirect to Monolith characters