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This is a stat sheet of a variant of brikwars units and weapons used in campaigns and battles from the [[Monolith Battleplates]] by [[Kastrenzo]]
This is a stat sheet of a variant of brikwars units and weapons used in campaigns and battles from the [[Novomir]] realm by [[Kastrenzo]]
Classes have been removed. Traits have been removed.  Units will be classified as having one of 3 different skill levels,  and a pretty standardized armor rating. The only other thing that will matter is the weapon or equipment they carry
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“Going into Overwatch” is a phrase used by the community and is clearly a reference to the XCOM series. In XCOM a unit in overwatch uses it’s action for the turn, to keep an eye on an area and automatically fire at anything that moves through it’s line of sight. A similar gimmick is applied in BW. I use the term “Defensive” simply because the forum often wordfilters the word Overwatch, because of a member that used to use it as their name. And it’s annoying
“Going into Overwatch” is a phrase used by the community and is clearly a reference to the XCOM series. In XCOM a unit in overwatch uses it’s action for the turn, to keep an eye on an area and automatically fire at anything that moves through it’s line of sight. A similar gimmick is applied in BW. At the beginning of a round of turns, unless previously disrupted or otherwise busy All units on the field will have a free action to use either whenever it's their turn, or if the enemy has done something within that unit's range, whether it be attacking them, moving in their line of sight. etc
Defensive actions are invoked, not activated. Meaning
At the start of a Phase. All units on the field will have 1 action. *Unless they lost an action due to disruption in the previous turn
if a player wishes to invoke an interrupting act, the skill dies of both units will be rolled to determine who gets the first crack at the can. Allowing things like ambushes, hasty retreats and firefights, this modified Overwatch is implemented to give a sense of intensity to fights. And also to prevent teams from taking turns wiping out the other person's stuff in slow pace. To give it a somewhat authentic battle feeling
A unit can go into defensive mode even if it’s during an opponent’s turn. Defensive mode can only be triggered by a unit trying to attack another, or moving in it’s direct field of view
Any time a player decides to interrupt another player’s turn with a defensive action. There will be a die-roll to determine initiative Whoever wins, gets to act first. Crits do not apply to this roll. It's a simple coin flip roll
If a unit goes defensive, but does not use it’s defensive action before it’s that player’s turn, the action is refunded
If a defensive unit does use its defensive action before it’s turn. Provided it’s still alive by the time it’s the player’s turn. It can still move, but it can perform no actions or attacks.
My modified version of Overwatch is implemented to give a sense of intensity to fights. And also to prevent teams from taking turns wiping out the other person's stuff in slow pace. To give it a somewhat authentic battle feeling
Players can specify which units go defensive.  But I may also put some units into defensive if they are threatened, and the player didn’t give any specific orders for that unit
Players can specify which units go defensive.  But I may also put some units into defensive if they are threatened, and the player didn’t give any specific orders for that unit.  after a player's turn, any units that did not use their action will have a light blue pip next to them as a reminder that this unit can still act on other's turns.  Any unit that used it's action before it's own turn will get a similar pip with yellow on it, essentially being the same as a disruption but not really. This is because that unit used it's action already and can't do anything for the rest of the turn.

Revision as of 15:36, 1 September 2020

This is a stat sheet of a variant of brikwars units and weapons used in campaigns and battles from the Novomir realm by Kastrenzo

Rules Modifications


Phase Alternative word for Turn, used to indicate which “round” of turns it is, opposed to each player taking a “turn” Defensive Action Alternative word for Overwatch, to avoid annoying word filters on forum.

Firefight / Battle An incident where through Defensive Actions, Units attacked each other during the span of a single player’s turn. Usually in the context of units shooting back at them. Pips Colored pieces used to indicate a special status of a unit, like wounded or disrupted

Weapons Changes

Since there are multiple factions to deal with, All weapons have been broken down into a finite number of types. Whether its a laser gun or a lead spitter is unimportant. All minifig weapons will fall under one of these categories

Weapon Minimum Use Rate Optimal & Max Range Damage Output Notes
1H Melee 3 CC 1d6+1 must touch, can be thrown
2H Melee 3 CC 1d6+2 must touch, can be thrown
Pistol 2 6-7" 1D6
Carbine 3 14-17" 1D6+1
Heavy Rifle 4 18-21" 1D6+2
SMG 3+1A 8-12" 1D6 +1 Damage if target 6" or closer
Light Machinegun 3+1A 14-16" 1d6+1
Shotgun 3 6" 1d6+2 Optimal range is max range
Sniper Rifle 4 20-24" 1d6+2 Can be combined with aim skill
Heavy Weapon 4 16-19" 1d6+4
Heavy Machinegun 4+1A 15-17" 1d6+2
Thrown Explosive 3 8-10" 1d10-3d10 Mk1 = 1d10, Mk2 = 2d10, Mk3 = 3d10
Launched Explosive 3 12-18" 1d10-2d10 Mk1 = 1d10, Mk2 = 2d10
Heavy Launched Explosive 4 12-18" 3d10-4d10 Mk3 = 3d10, Mk4 = 4d10
  • Weapon Descriptors
    • 1H Melee - Swords, Knives, Clubs, Hatchets and other personal close combat weapons
    • 2H Melee - Dedicated close combat weapons, Claymores, Greatswords, Battleaxes, Spears, and other heavy bludgeoning and butchering devices
    • Pistol - Compact guns that can be carried in pockets. Generally used as a minimum means of self defense but common among very low tier units
    • Carbine - Generic 2H small arms. Adequate damage and range that is easy to use
    • Heavy Rifle - High power rifles that do much more damage and range, but are more cumbersome and difficult to use. Known to blow minifigs apart.
    • SMG - Small or otherwise low power weapons that are a little weaker than Carbines, but can fire multiple times in a single go.
    • Light Machinegun - Large automatic weapons that carry the same power as a carbine but can fire full auto. Their usefulness coupled with low drawbacks will make any carrier a priority target
    • Shotguns - While only useful at short range, very few minifigs walk away from a shotgun blast.
    • Sniper Rifle - Long range versions of Heavy Rifles. Any unit that carries them won't be as mobile, so it's best to use from a distance
    • Heavy Weapon - Single fire, non explosive heavy caliber weapons. Things like energy guns, gauss rifles, anti-tank guns. etc. Very high damage
    • Heavy Machinegun - Automatic fire, non explosive heavy weapons. Emplaced machine guns, portable autocannons, etc
    • Thrown Explosive - Grenades, Molotovs, Homemade bombs. Any small explosive that must be thrown or placed.
    • Launched Explosive - Grenade launchers, rocket launchers, small guided missiles. Mortars, any explosive device that is fired from a launcher. Generally more powerful than thrown explosives. Has a limit of up to Mk2
    • Heavy Explosive Launcher - Tank Killer missiles, BFGs, Davy Crocketts. Any Explosive Launcher that has a yield of Mk3 or higher

Defensive Actions & Interrupts

“Going into Overwatch” is a phrase used by the community and is clearly a reference to the XCOM series. In XCOM a unit in overwatch uses it’s action for the turn, to keep an eye on an area and automatically fire at anything that moves through it’s line of sight. A similar gimmick is applied in BW. At the beginning of a round of turns, unless previously disrupted or otherwise busy All units on the field will have a free action to use either whenever it's their turn, or if the enemy has done something within that unit's range, whether it be attacking them, moving in their line of sight. etc

if a player wishes to invoke an interrupting act, the skill dies of both units will be rolled to determine who gets the first crack at the can. Allowing things like ambushes, hasty retreats and firefights, this modified Overwatch is implemented to give a sense of intensity to fights. And also to prevent teams from taking turns wiping out the other person's stuff in slow pace. To give it a somewhat authentic battle feeling

Players can specify which units go defensive. But I may also put some units into defensive if they are threatened, and the player didn’t give any specific orders for that unit. after a player's turn, any units that did not use their action will have a light blue pip next to them as a reminder that this unit can still act on other's turns. Any unit that used it's action before it's own turn will get a similar pip with yellow on it, essentially being the same as a disruption but not really. This is because that unit used it's action already and can't do anything for the rest of the turn.

Critfails & Danger Dice

Anytime a unit rolls a 1 on a die for a skill roll, it’s a critical failure. In judging exactly what will happen, a D4 is rolled

  • The D4 Is called a “Danger Die” and generally, depending on the situation, each roll will result in as follows
    • 4 is a get out of jail free card. No negative action happens, other than that the unit wasted its turn on a critfail
    • 3 is a clumbsy accident that Results in a disruption on the nearest friendly unit. Causing it to forfeit its action for the turn, or if it was already used, next turn’s
    • 2 is an act of incompetence that results in the disruption of the unit that critfailed. They miss their next turn.
    • 1 is an act of supreme stupidity, resulting in a FREE and immediate attack from the nearest enemy. *Explosives are not allowed*. The attack must still roll a skill die, but is not susceptible to critfails itself. If there is no valid enemy, then the unit rolls against itself just like it was a normal attack against a foe. The unit can die from this mess up!

Crit Rolls & Gamble Dice

Anytime a unit rolls the highest possible face on a die for a skill roll, it’s a critical success. A critical success by default will add a +1 to the upcoming damage roll. But a player may elect to “gamble” for some alternative, enticing outcomes.

  • A special Golden D6 is rolled to determine what happens in a crit roll gamble.
    • 6 allows the player to pick whichever outcome they want
    • 5 DOUBLES the damage roll. This is treated as a headshot with ranged weapons*
    • 4 Allows the attacker to roll a second attack against another target. Crits can stack
    • 3 Allows the attacker to move, or perform a non hostile action after their attack
    • 2 Allows the attacker an extra point to their damage roll, as if nothing happened
    • 1 Results in forfeiting the crit. And the attack roll will be given no positive modifier or special ability.

Cover & Range

A Minifig is divided into 3 parts. Head, Torso and Legs. Generally ranged attacks require a skill roll of 3 or higher to successfully hit a target. That is fully visible, meaning all three parts are unobscured and wholly out of cover. The following exceptions apply For every body part that is obscured, the skill roll requirement goes up by 1. To a maximum of 5 Cover can be penetrated by a high damage roll, but its better to try to pick off units rather than smash through cover unless the weapon is strong enough. Cover is measured as 1D6 per stud, Small arms have trouble breaking cover but combined actions or explosives can make short work of it Ranged weapons can target units outside of their optimal range up to roughly 20% of the original "Optimal range" but the skill roll will require 1 higher than usual, this is called a "max range". Some units will gain a perk of being able to use max range without a skill check Range is something that is not always checked, 99% of the time It’s eyeballed.

Pips & Status effects

Because it’s difficult to keep track of special effects on units especially as the bodies start piling up.

  • Special colored pieces will be put next to, on top of or under units to signify a status
    • Any minifig that gets wounded will have a few solid red studs placed around it. It And if he is not tended to by a medic by the end of the next turn, he dies. Wounded units are disrupted and out of action until rescued, bled out or killed off
    • Any unit that disrupted will have a small yellow piece placed near it