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Eldritch Abominations
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NecroTek in the Lego Wastelands.

The NecroTek are an undead faction that appeared in the Lego Wastelands battle and Zombie Zulu Dawn.

5x Creepers (red spikes on legs)

Move: 10" (This unit can leap onto surfaces as high as half this distance) Skill: 1D6 Armour: 6 Special: 2x Hit Points each. Melee attack only. NecroTek Crystal: Can drain life replacing 1 Hit Point to the Creeper or can be used to boost the units stats on a successful melee grapple in the previous turn. This takes a turns action to perform where the Creeper can do nothing else. If successful the victim becomes a Zombie under this players control thereafter.

Melee Attack: Leg Spikes - Use: 3+, Dmg: 1D6 x (1D6/2 attacks per hit).

1x Ripper (Orange Claws on legs)

Move: 10" * (half movement if firing that turn) Skill: 1D6+2 Armour: 8 Special: 2x Hit Points each. Melee or Ranged attack. Does not have a NecroTek Crystal.

Melee Attack: Leg Claws - Use: 3+, Dmg: 1D6+2 x (1D6/2 attacks per hit)

Ranged Attack: Death Shuriken - Range: 10" Use: 4+ Damage: 3D6 grinding damage. Special: The Ripper will re-grow this ammo automatically but it takes a turn so this attack has a one turn cool down time between shots. The Ripper must raise it's legs to fire making it harder to move, all movement is half.

1x Flayer (Big unit with Big Claw and arm gun)

Move: 6" Skill: 1D6+2 Armour: 8 Special: 3x Hit Points, Melee and Ranged attack, NecroTekCrystal: See Creeper description.

Melee Attack: Claw Arm (The legs are made for support not attack): Use: 3+ Dmg: 3D6 Special: Units caught may be crushed next turn gaining 1D6 extra damage each turn they are caught in the claws.

Ranged Attack: NecroTek Cannon Arm: Range: 10" Use: 2+ Damage: 3D6 (Any living unit hit and killed (no Hit Points remaining) becomes a Zombie unit and is under this players control thereafter.

1x Clawing Horror (Big unit with Red Scythe legs)

Move: 10" Skill: 1D10+1 Armour: 8 Special: 3x Hit Points, Melee attack only, Causes Terror (Living units within 10" suffer a -1 Skill modifier and must skill check prior to engaging in close combat or must attack another Undead unit that turn), NecroTek Crystal: See Creeper description. Not only can the Clawing Horror use the Crystal in the normal manner but it may choose to store any unused living energy to create new Creeper units later, (not during battle). Any Undead unit that uses it's Crystal and doesn't require the energy for themselves can direct it to the Clawing Horror for storage (range is battlefield).

Hero Feat: Yes, the Clawing Horror can Hero Feat but it costs a Life Energy point to do (only one Hero Feat per turn). You start out with none.

WARNING! - Being the Control point if this unit dies then you'll be unable to direct your force properly. All Zombies and Necro-Mutant units must attack the closest enemy they can reach in close combat only.

Melee Attack: Scythe Legs and Claws - Use: 3+ Dmg: 2D6 x (1D6/2 attacks per hit).


Move: (shamble) 4" Skill: 1D6-1 Armour: 5 Special: With some artistic in game fudge lawyering but generally as below.

Move: 4" Armour: 5 Skill: 1D6/2* Damage: 1D6-1* (Mobbing Up Bonus, Zombie Bite 4+ on D6 at end of turn, Easy to Re-animate +1 Bonus to spell casting).

  • Mobbing Up Bonus: Divide the number of Zombies stands in the attacking formation, including all other formations of the same type and divide this by the number of defenders. Note: Mobbing only works if THEY are the attacker. Drop fractions, this provides the bonus to damage and to hit rolls. I may have to test this one for hiden or unforseen problems.

Zombie Contagion: Any living mini-fig killed in close combat by a zombie becomes a zombie on a D6 roll of 4+ at the start of the next turn. just add the stand to the Zombie baseplate with an appropriate head.

Zombies are slow but resilient and easy to replace or raise. Their bite can cause an infection turning their enemies into more zombies. Although easy to defeat singly in a mob they can soon overwhelm stronger oponents. However, they are mindless and need constant attention or they'll shamble off looking for braaaainz...