Wasteland Scavengers

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Wasteland Scavengers
Blank fig.jpg
Rogue Force
TL 5
Small Empire
None listed
Notable People


As you know the Immortals crush all resistance fighting their eternal war across existence for the sheer joy of battle. Planets are laid to waste as entire civilizations crumble under the onslaught. What can be stripped from the rubble goes towards the next war effort. Immortal might in the form of industrial infrastructure rises from the smoldering ABS strewn rubble. But in the discarded piles of unwanted or unusable Lego live the descendants of the once proud people that lived in the now vanished cities. Exposed to horrendous radiations they live as deformed and mutated, twisted and grotesque mockeries of Mini-Figs. They defend what little they have with a furious rage and some even manage to make use of the discarded mountains of ABS by making clumsy but no less deadly Warmachines. they raid for supplies and parts where they can but hide from the ever watchful Immortals. (Sorta' like John Conner's Resistance fighters in the film Terminator). Other entities seeking refuge from Immortal subjugation find these wastelands perfect cover from which to strike and so Immortal troops are sent in force to route out and destroy any such nests of rebellion. This is a highly dangerous task and considered even more arduous than a front line posting by the mortal troops that follow the Immortals. The Immortals love it this way. free training and an exciting and dangerous hunting preserve right on your back garden, what's not to like. Some Immortals even disappear for a while into the Wastelands, kind of like a gap year but with more Mad Max. Just remember, when you look at this poor collection of walking refuse. This is the fate of all survivors that oppose the Immortals. This awaits YOU!..

There are many odd predatory creatures that evolve in the wastelands. Some can be harnessed by the brave. the Flying Sharks are prized mounts for any Scavy warrior.

Forum Threads

Lego Wasteland Scavengers now with flying shark