Shady Mercenaries

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Shady Mercenaries
Blank fig.jpg
Mercenary Company
TL 6
Small Empire
None listed
Immortal Empire
Notable People

"Killing the second highest bidder since people started paying us."

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The Shady Mercenaries are a small roving band of bandits-for-hire led by Ex-Lep, or The Honorable Leprechaun, after he abandoned his control of the Brik Battalion for a more profiting venture. They are known to operate out of a small bar, believed to be on or near The Hill, and are involved in almost every illegal enterprise known to the BrikVerse. At the moment they are believed to be hired out to the Immortal Empire as an infiltration and espionage squad.

They are known to take high-tech government property for a "joyride" without permission, such as the Imperial Mobile Nuclear Launcher, a small warhead and launcher on the back of a truck, or the recently released OTC Launcher, a rocket launcher for the destructive mega-weapon.