Forum Terminology

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BrikWars Terminology

Just like other forums, BrikWars both maintains its own vocabulary, as well as borrows some words from other forums like Brother's Brick. We also maintain our own fleet of memes, just like the rest of internet.

Here, I (Vami_IV) have tried to collect and archive each and every meme and vocab that is both unique or relevant to the BrikWars.



Another forumgoer name associated with something dumb, lordintype's name was first used by Overwatch Elite, and literally denotes something stupid. Examples on how to use this word are as follows: "Wow, that was really lordintype of you," "That was a very lordintype post. Please kill yourself," etc.



Also known as "Pandoranuking," this term describes vomitting all over an internet forum (like BrikWars), driving away invested members with your smelly vomit, and then throwing it at others until either the community dies, the vomiting person drowns in their own vomit, or the person vomiting is defeated and banished back to Hell.

Vami'ing / Pulling a Vami

Despite Battlegrinder most accurately describing the above verb in the quote below, it was actually first conceived of by Colette to put a name to the verb.

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The term "Pulling a Vami" refers to modifying another user's design without the creator's consent (which is most commonly making small to moderate changes in the design of original creation and changing the color scheme of the model). The term is named in honor of the Forum user Vami_IV, who initially created the Emerian Navy from plagiarizing Dilanski's Vendetta design.
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Battlegrinder, adapted by Vami

Whiteagle'ing / Pulling a Whiteagle (Badagle'ing)

"Whiteagle'ing" is a term that refers to taking a thread full of someone's cool shit and polluting it with your unasked for and unnecessary creations, trying to steal the spotlight. This term was first derived by Zahru. Example of Whiteagle'ing a thread, by myself (Vami)


Dat Fucking Cyclopes

Dat Fucking Cyclopes was created by KommanderKen. The meme was born when KommanderKen saw the Cyclopes that Vami had created for his faction, the Emerian Empire. Impressed, he took the photo of the Cyclopes and put a subtitle on the photo and sent it to Vami in a PM over the forum. KommanderKen still regularly uses the meme in Czat.

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The original picture created by Ken.



Greebles is a term that the entire LEGO community utilizes to describe extra careful detailing on a (LEGO) creation. Here's an example of Greebles.


A term derived by Vami for use on the wiki, "Mainspace" is similar to adaptions of Earth terms like, "Space Dementia," and "Space Station." It describes the "mainland" of a space empire, hence "space."


"Piltogg," although already listed under Wordfilter, is a the Forum's noun and/or adjective used to describe anything correlating to the Third Reich. As a wordfilter, it censors the words, "Hitler," and "Nazi" (both singular and plural adaptions of the word).

Stockism and Vanilism Two terms coined by the scribe Kastrenzo, they are defined by him as follows:

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Stockism and Vanilism are similar concepts of belief that apply to Creations and the Minifigs that create them. Both beliefs have been especially popular with Peaches, as well as some other races.

Stockism and Vanilism are beliefs that "The Designers" are the only beings worthy of making ABS Creations, and that anything that deviates from the bags of which their creations are birthed from, is blasphemous at best. Followers of these systems generally do not believe in creativity or originality.

  • Stockism Is the belief that vehicles, weapons, and structures created by "The Designers" are sacred, And should not be changed as Originality and Creativity is evil.
  • Vanilism Is the belief that the minifigs themselves should never aspire to change themselves, as they were created in "The Designer's" Image.
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Scribe Kastrenzo

This term is also called "Noahism." The "Designers" are the LEGO group.

Book of Wordfilters

  • alot = alot
  • Astarte = Easter
  • Badagle = Whiteagle
  • Ballerina = Cunt
  • Banhamemr yourself = Kill yourself
  • Blitzen, distinguished Owner of the English Language = Biz
  • Cult = Cat
  • Dapper = Gay
  • Dumbfuck = Christian
  • el Nigre - Figure it out (It's a racial slur you idiot)
  • Goatse anus = Quote tunnel
  • Homosexual = Homeschooled
  • I am retarded = Grammer
  • My floppy penis = Tarren
  • My Little Penises = Chuck Norris
  • On like Bonn-O-Tron. - On.
  • Nehellenium = Nehellium
  • Penis = Pony
  • Phallic = Islamic
  • Piltogg = Nazi, Hitler
  • Pr0n = Porn
  • Pretty Cool Guy = Faggot
  • Princess = Dyke
  • Politician = Republican / Democrat
  • Razgrizzly = Furry
  • Saturnalia = Christmas
  • Snuggle = Rape
  • Spam = mbt
  • Sphincter = Splinter
  • Superb Owl = Super Bowl
  • Thesnuggly = Therapy
  • Travesty = Travis
  • Weird penis = Spiderman
  • Yo Ho Ho = Wordfilter