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The Risen Plateau
Plane of Existence
Pillars Standing Above the Beige Carpet
Key Resources

All Transparent

Controlled By
Celestial Beings

Ascended Minifigs

Eldritch Monsters

Key Locations
The Gates of Heaven

Red and Blue Kingdoms

Celestial Kingdom


The Town

Brik Heaven is the original home plane of the Lux and one of the many Brikversian Afterlives. Once, it was a primary Afterlife, holding sway over the souls of all minifigs not destined for BrikHell. Those days are long gone, splintered in a thousand rekons. Afterlives are now scattered among a hundred different planes and belief systems. At some point, the original angels abandoned BrikHeaven almost entirely, except as a rest stop in the event of death, to operate wholly in the RealVerse. After the Luxian Exodus, the plane was settled by the Celestials. In the meantime, BrikHeaven holds, and has always held, certain souls that await Rekonstruction. Some spirits and visitors to the plane are often keen to exploit the vast resources and knowledge that lay hidden deep within the realm.

Brik Heaven Characteristics

The Valhallan Effect

Minifigs native to or acclimated (often through a series of binding rituals or a significant portion of time lived there) to BrikHeaven enjoy the Valhallan Effect. This causes those who are slain in any part of the BrikVerse to rise again, rekonstrukted within the realm of BrikHeaven. For some groups of Angels, this may take time. It's just like coming home. For the Lux, it is instantaneous upon death. Troublesome or rebellious minifigs tied to BrikHeaven must be dealt with differently. And each Angel group has their own way of taking out the trash. Alternatives to "death" include being cast down to the Beige Carpet, imprisonment, being thrown into the Great Bin of Everything, and being thrown into a Psychopump.

The Great Veil

For most minifigs, be they angel, spirit, mortal, or whatever, The Great Veil is draped across their minds when they exit BrikHeaven. All is known and remembered while within its bounds but the moment one exits the plane of existence, memory of the place and what took place there is either wiped entirely from the mind of the traveler or is, at best, as blurry and faded as a dream. This is the primary reason the Lux chose to move their primary bases of operations to the RealVerse. Rumor has it that other Angelic groups might not be as badly affected by the Veil. Suspicion falls on the Celestials in this regard.

BrikHeaven Inhabitants

The Celestials are in charge of BrikHeaven and oversee its day to day operations.

The Lux are passers-by, only stopping to visit to engage on a vitally important and mysterious quest deep within the Frontier or when they have died in the RealVerse and reconstitute in BrikHeaven.

The Waiting, also called the Restless, are those souls that are meant to be reborn somehow.

Many Spirits, also called Souls, make BrikHeaven their final resting place.

Eldritch Monsters, born of creation energies, roam the wilds.

BrikHeaven Connections

There are secret portals linked throughout the plane but their locations are typically only known to higher Angels. The Gates of Heaven each lead to a specific location. One leads to BrikHell for certain. What is really unique about the plane of existence is that, to those skilled in traversing its boundaries, there are no doors. BrikHeaven oversees all of the BrikVerse and so one can exit from any point in BrikHeaven to any point in the RealVerse. Other pocket dimensions, alternate realities, and so on must still be accessed via magikal portal.

Notable BrikHeaven Characters and Locations

The Gates of Heaven

There are a handful of ancient breaches in the fabric of the realm. Long ago, massive, magikal Golden Gates were konstrukted to seal these breaches. There are legends for each of them. One is rumored to be a stolen part of BrikHeaven, a gaping wound caused by the absence of an afterlife for those who had achieved Immortality. One is rumored to be where a Human punched a hole straight through in anger over some forgotten loss. Still another is believed to have been caused by a siege that went on between BrikHell and BrikHeaven, uniting the two through a wormhole. On and on the legends persist. No one alive can say if they are true.

The Red and Blue Kingdoms

The Red and Blue Kingdoms are twin nations of the Waiting (that is, dead minifigs that are waiting to be reborn or transferred to another afterlife; also called restless spirits or souls). The differences between the two Kingdoms are indistinguishable to outsiders, but enough that that those within raise flags and are often at odds.

Celestial Kingdom

The Celestials control several plateaus and a few floating islands, from which they oversee BrikHeaven. The Celestial Kingdom is Tek Level 6 and does its best to keep advanced minifigs here so as to further its own advancement.


The Frontier is an untamed wilderness ripe with natural resources and adventure. Home to savage minifigs and eldritch monsters, it is frequently the place for battles. What truly makes the Frontier an interesting place, however, is that the Seven Levels of BrikHeaven are rumored to be hidden within it. Once the only territories in the realm, the Seven Levels separated out and gave permanent homes to souls seeking a final resting place. Some souls arrived to BrikHeaven go off in search of them. Others stay near The Town.

The Town

A massive ring of spirit built residences around the main Celestial bases, souls who seek a final resting place and have no need of adventure or moving on build and play here.