Anno Galaxy

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Anno Galaxy
Key Resources
Any Known
Controlled By
Various Factions and Forces
Key Locations

The Anno Galaxy is one of the many neighbouring galaxies to the Nehellenium. It has the honour of being virtually untouched by Ragnoblok for reasons unknown, and was home to the powerful Eternian Empire for most of its history until recently. With the collapse of the Eternian Empire for reasons mostly lost to time, the Lost Sector of the galaxy disappeared and threw the galaxy into turmoil. Unable to intervene in other galaxies, the Anno Galaxy has largely been ignored.

As of Reconstruction 2020, the Anno Galaxy has been linked to the rest of the Brikverse via a series of 'A-Gates', which exploit the weak fabric of space-time around the galaxy to create shortcuts into it. This complicated the already difficult political situation left as the fabled 'Lost Sector' had reappeared in BR2019, and with it the Legotavian Federal Republic has emerged out of nowhere.


The Inhabitants of the Anno Galaxy are many, but largely consist of the Minifig population that exists here. Tribal Bionicles roam several planets on the far regions of the galaxy, and a myriad of other races either coexist or fight with the minifigs that call the galaxy home.

Major Conflicts in History

The largest conflict in the history of the Anno Galaxy is that of the rise and fall of the Eternian Empire, which came to promminence in ages long forgotten. Then known as the Deadly Space Empire, It waged campaigns against the Protofigs that ruled over the galaxy at the time and emerged to create legions of genetically perfect supersoldiers, the product of the Deadly Space Emperor. This empire would crumble and be replaced with the Eternian Republic, and later the Eternian Empire, Which itself would fall to political instability and infighting. All of this is ancient history however, and the modern Anno Galaxy only remembers Eternia in history books and the claims of successorship made by various sovereigns across the galaxy.

The current major conflict in the Galaxy rages in the former capital sector of the Eternian Empire, the Heartlands Sector. This is between the Reiist State, the German Confederation, and the Makinami Remnant. Each claims to be the successor to the Eternian Empire, and the conflict has swept into the Lost Sector, where the Ottoman Empire wages war against the Legotavian Republic on behalf of the German Confederation.

A secondary conflict between the Minaglacia Company and the forces of the Hooded Crusaders (Extragalactic castaways on a mission home), and the forces of the Diabolics, a mysterious organisation led by the MAD MAGE, and bent on chaotic goals.

Relationship with Ragnoblok

While Ragnoblok tore apart most of the Galaxy in BR 2019, Anno was completely unaffected from the direct results. However, Refugees from star nations such as the Trattorian Empire have appeared in the Anno Galaxy.