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"Bozon: The Farce-Carrying Clown Partikle," original printing

Bozons, the so-called "Clown Particles," are mythikal Farce-carrying particles proposed by theo-heretikal farsicists in an attempt to reconcile the absurdative effects of ABS with the universal Farce.

Proving the existence of Bozons is enormously difficult, as though the laws of physiks itself were trolling BrikVerse scientists. The most advanced research is conducted by SpaceMan scientists using Large HateTron Colliders to smash inhabited planets together at near-lightspeed in the hope of creating a humorous event concentrated enough to finally provide evidence of their existence.

(Note: the rest of this article seems to have been written about bosons, missing the nature of the bozon joke entirely. If someone wants to replace all these forces with Farces, go ahead, but otherwise this should be moved or deleted.)

Bozons are an important element of particle physics and the force-carriers in the brikverse- in particular, they are distinct from the other type of particle, the fermions that make up ABS matter.

Bozons are governed by laws created by the famous Einstein and his Scythian collaborator Boze. One could say they are the enforcers of science’s laws, mediating the fundamental forces such as gravity and light that all other forces derive from. Bozons also have an additional interesting property of attracting prestigious Nobel Prizes upon their discovery, leading to particle physicists around the brikverse to consider them serious business and invest millions of dollars and years of research just to find one specimen of a new type. These bozons are often found by smashing together the tiniest pieces of ABS the brikverse has to offer at extremely high energies- akin to stacking lego plates on top of each other and then smashing these stacks together in an attempt to isolate a plate in the center of a stack.

Since then various scientists have discovered seven elementary bozons, each mediating a different force.


Force: Electromagnetism (light and magnets)

Discoverer: Einstein

Example Uses: Laser guns, beamswords, railguns, maglev trains


Force: Strong Nuklear Force (holds atomic nuclei and hadrons together)

Discoverer: Akkadian Lepton-Isospin Collider Experiment (ALICE)

Example Uses: Nuklear options

W & Z Bozons

Force: Weak Nuklear Force (changes quark flavor)

Discoverer: Trattorian Soledad Fermion Super-Collider (SFSC) Experiment

Example Uses: Radioactive dirty bombs, nuklear fusion

Higgs Bozon

Force: Higgs Field (gives mass to everything)

Discoverer: Trattorian SFSC Experiment

Example Uses: Higgs Cannons, mass effect fields


Force: Gravity

Discoverer: Trattorian SFSC Experiment

Examples Uses: Gravity guns, black-hole torpedoes, anti-gravity drives

Liang’s Bozon

Force: Classified by Trattorian military

Discoverer: Trattorian SFSC Experiment

Example Uses: Classified, time travel?

While there are other types of bozons, these seven are the fundamental force-carriers and therefore the other bozons are of little consequence to anyone except unfortunate students taking AP Physics. Particularly, the photon, gluon, and W/Z bosons are classified especially as gauge bozons.


An example of a particle collision spewing bozons