Major Smith

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James Smith


Assyrian Star Empire

Major James Smith is an officer in the Assyrian Space Force. He is a Level 1 Maytricks user and commonly wields a beam-sabre.


Major Smith was a Captain with the ASF in B.R. 2002 when the Czecho-Slovenian Republik fought its war for independence. Smith was the leader of a Harvester squad which was dispatched to Perseid IV to quell a strange redneck uprising. Although ultimately unsuccessful at stopping the rednecks, Smith and his squad helped save hundreds of lives, so he was promoted to Major for his actions. He then went on to serve in the Second Czecho-Assyrian Conflict in B.R. 2003. During this conflict he met his good friend Regulus and The Black Crotox as well as Major Natalya. The Black Crotox taught these three the ways of the Maytricks, but Major Smith had to quit his training before the other two to fulfill his duties with the ASF, so his skills with the Maytricks are rudimentary.

Since then, Major Smith has participated in a number of other conflicts involving the CSR, but he has also ended up fighting some of the galaxy's stronger factions such as the 45th Union, The VoL, Immortals, and the Akkadians.