The Quest for Power

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Needs to be rewritten because my old self couldn't write properly!

The Quest for Power, also known as the Coming Storm, was a lengthy campaign following Warhead's rise to power in Northeros and allying with the Immortals. The goal of the campaign was to collect pieces of a long-forgotten Majistik artefact, which when reassembled, could be used as a device to unleash powers stored by the prismatic crystal. The prismatic crystal was created by the Majistik as a failsafe source of immense magikal power. This was the first large-scale event that affected all warring sides of Northeros.

The Undead got to know the existence of the artifacts via their leader, Warhead, who had a sudden vision which turned out to be Malekim's memory: this revealed that the original intent of Malekim going rogue was to acquire said crystal for himself. The Imperial forces were warned about the artifacts by Majisto the Blue, the wizard who tried to halt his treacherous brother but failed. Now he wanted to put an end to the chain of events before they went out of hand. The Orks got involved by nothing else but sheer luck initially.

Act 1 - Power Unlimited

The battler for the first artifact component came soon. Undead, ork and Imperial forces clashed for the power generator piece of the majistik machine, which could provide unlimited energy once activated, but without a control mechanism, it'd let loose the excess power in forms of explosive bursts. Deadlock led the undead charge along with Ezra the Corrupted, while the imperial forces were marshalled by Sir Fabio and Blaze Ironbreaker, veteran dwarf warmaster renown for his great fighting capabilites.

During the battle, Karl von Bragstein joined in, attempting to claim the artifact for his own purposes. The ork and imperial forces were both crushed by the undead army, whose leaders in the meantime settled some personal conflicts. In the end, Deadlock emerged victorious from the battle, seizing the artifact, eliminating his rival Ezra, and capturing Karl. Blaze was almost mortally wounded but taken from the field and later healed. Fabio went on missing.

Soon after, the second artifact was located. However, this time the undead were far too weakened to interfere after the previous battle, thus the warring sides were only orkish and imperial this time. At least it seemed to look like that. In the background, Deadlock convinced Warhead to allow him to embark on a secret mission, which would eliminate both of their foes, and let him seize the second piece of the artifact. To accomplish this he used von Bragstein as a living power source for an infernal device, with which Deadlock intended to kill both clashing armies from a great distance. The plan seemed perfect...

Act 2 - Power Play

While the Ork Horde, led by the corrupted Kensai whose ideals were warped by his recent and unexplained hunger for power; and the Imperial Army, led by Runeknight Niol Crowclaw clashed, Deadlock was eager to put his plan in motion... but he did not expect the appearance of a small rescue team, led by imperial scout and intelligence agent, Jean-Francois. The battle raged on two fronts now, and against time.

Luckily, the rescue team could successfully thwart the evil plans of Deadlock, who was forced to flee. Karl was recovered, but his mind suffered serious damage. Meanwhile, the Imperials literally obliterated the Ork Horde, killing Kensai, and annihilating them to the very last. However, this was not without a price; Niol in desperation, activated the yet unknown artifact, and its powers took a heavy toll on his health, which would render him unable to participate in combat.

To this point, both sides had 1-1 piece of the machinery. However, things would soon change...

Deadlock decided that it was time for him to take the initiative. He visited Warhead, who blamed him of being a useless servant, causing major setbacks. Deadlock replied, stating that he is an ally, not a pawn, and deduced that their lack of success was in fact because of their incompetent leader. His taunting was successful, as he infuriated Warhead enough to attack him. The two evil fought, their duel ending with the victory of the Immortal, who banished Warhead to the Abyss, where he'd be left to rot and disperse away. Meanwhile Deadlock took over the undead and issued his allies to lead the armies towards the third artifact.

Act 3 - Power of Destruction

With the Undead under new rule, and the emergence of the third artifact piece, all 3 forces have met again on the battlegrounds. The Imperial Forces, in the absence of Niol, were led by Fabio (whose return was rather mysterious), and Rune Paladin Apollyon, a high-ranking Runeknight. The Orkish horde reformed itself with the new leadership of a megalomaniac shaman, and their new demonic allies. Deadlock dispatched Fink and Ghoul to lead the charge.

While the forces were fighting for the artifact, somewhere, beyond dimensions, Warhead awoke, and found himself in the Abyss. The Abyss is a savage realm of demonic beings, where the broken and battered Warhead was simply one of the many. Doomed to struggle in a wasteland like this, Warhead's chances were slim until the intervention of Zahru. As an ironic twist of fate; Warhead's most mortal enemy asked him to escape the demonrealm and put an end to the Immortal usurpers. Warhead, fueled both by vengeance against both Deadlock and Zahru, answered the call.

To ensure his escape; Warhead had to defeat the demon Hellzebub Lucitar, and obtain the Staff of the Underworld, a terrible weapon capable of ripping realities apart. Decisive battles were fought on both worlds; the Immortal-commandeered Undead forces were utterly destroyed by the heroic act of Apollyon. However, the Orks were the ones who got their hands on the artifact in the end. Imperial Forces withdrew from the field by the command of Fabio. Meanwhile, in the Abyss, Warhead managed to best Hellzebub and brutally dismembered him; but to further enhance his suffering, Warhead used Heltar's body as a living anvil to forge his new set of armor. Restored, Warhead used the Staff of the Underworld and returned to Medivo, to settle his score with Deadlock.

Warhead slain his Immortal allies; Deadlock although threatened him that they will return. Warhead did not care though; he needed to rebuild the Forces of Evil, which were literally crumbling due to their recent defeats.

A shift in power