Bavarian Characters

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Revision as of 04:40, 27 August 2014 by Silverdream (talk | contribs)
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INCOMPLETE - Characters need to be filled in.

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This page is essentially a depository for information on Bavarian characters too minor to merit their own page at the moment, but who nonetheless deserve a description of some sorts on the wiki. As canon accumulates, some characters will become significant enough to earn their own page.

  • Helpful hint: To link to a character on here, use [[Bavarian Characters#Character name as exactly appears here|Character name as you want it to appear]]

Characters With Their Own Pages

Kaiser Klaus

Kaiserin Renate

Prinz Klaus Jr.

Otto von Bavaria (deceased)

Royal Family


Please see Kaiser Klaus, Kaiserin Renate, and Prinz Klaus Jr. pages for those characters, respectively.

Prinzessin Amelie

Prinzessin Amelie is the second born child of Klaus and Renate. She is a brilliant Naval strategist, and she has the closest relationship with Klaus out of all of her siblings. She is the Polemarch of Bavaria, which gives her the ability to lead the entire Navy. Since her appointment, she's modernized and expanded the Navy to the point where Bavaria became a Naval Power. Besides her youth, the fact that she's had sexual relations with a string of female pilots has made her a controversial leader to the other admirals. However, she is charismatic and her will is absolute, so they follow her orders.

Amelie is also pretty badass, having once successfully fought off her much more powerful brother Klaus Jr.

Prinz Karl "Gustav"

Karl "Gustav" Von Bavaria is the youngest living child of Klaus and Renate. He's a General who commands an army of tanks.

Konigin Ada of Fynnland

Magicians Alliance

Dolph Vanderheim


Direktor Boermann

General Pileck

Captain Lahm

Otto Skorzeny

Fulgencio Batista

Komentaja Von Mannerheim


Diethard Ried

Kult Leader Von Tzan II

Deceased/Retired Characters

Prinz Siegfried von Bavaria

Prinzessin Adeleaide von Bavaria

Prinz Anton von Bavaria

Großadmiral Ludendorff

***Construction Area***

This section will be removed once this page is done. I'm just throwing useful links and images here.