For Great Justice, Part 1: Tower of Justice Round Six

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Extras: Each team will earn +1 CP at the end of Round Six. After this round, two rounds remain before the floors and walls outside the inner ring become electrified.


Grey Turn 6a, Originally Hidden

The Grey near the Oni continues phasing through the wall, exits the other side into the inner ring, and moves into the Blue Quarter. A space opens in the ceiling and a large ladder slides down. This Grey has access to Level Two of the Tower of Justice!


Grey Turn 6b, Originally Hidden

The Grey near Yellow finally phases out of the wall and sneaks behind them, headed for another wall.


Grey Turn 6c, Originally Hidden

The Grey near Blue gets up, phases out, and moves toward the new recruit standing in the Stasis Chamber. His intention is to take a phantom ride but the inches of movement he spent standing up but him just out of reach. The final Grey reserves his action.

Allow me to preface Blue's turn by saying sorry, Brikguy, you got Fucked with a capital F this turn. Plus side, you now get a last man standing instant benny each turn (until you pick up a new recruit).


Blue Turn 6a

Blue Medik turns to fire on the Grey but, to his surprise and chagrin, the creature has disappeared! The recruit moves quickly over to retrieve the fallen Pirate Captain’s pistol.


Blue Turn 6b

The Medik decides he does not want to waste the opportunity and moves over by the pit to fire a shot at FireBeard. Simultaneously, Android attempts a Heroic Feat to throw FireBeard into the pit. He fails miserably and his sword moves directly into the path of his Medik’s fire. The shot bounces off the sword and into Android’s face. He fails his armor roll and would have to inspire RedShirt or die, so he activates a use of Android Body. His reroll is barely enough to survive the bolt.


Orange Turn 6a

Orange Spy moves smoothly into Robot Room with Green Team and fires a shot at Master Splinter. The old forester reacts with speed and grace, easily slicing the bullet apart and escaping harm.


Grey Turn 6d, Response to Orange Turn 6a

The Grey taking a phantom ride in Orange Spy chooses that moment to burst free, phasing back into reality on the way out. The attack is tricky and Orange Spy is made of sterner stuff, so the maneuver does little damage.


Orange Turn 6b

Orange Pathfinder sprints, having already navigated the corner, and makes it to the entrance to Robot Room. The Medik and Shotgunner move around the corner as quickly as they can.


Yellow Turn 6a

Newbro draws out and hands off the explosive to Snake Yellow as he slithers by.


Yellow Turn 6b

As Snake Yellow ties the explosive off to an arrow and takes up position in the hall, Newbro joins Mr. Daggers and Shield Medik in a merry beatdown, combining attacks to eviscerate the remaining Thug.


Yellow Turn 6c

Snake Yellow takes aim and fires the explosive arrow four whole inches out of range, a ridiculous shot, causing an explosion in Pirate Room that rips Blue’s Medik and New Recruit apart. Their bodies, along with the ruined Computer Console and Stasis Chamber are thrown away from the blast point. The explosion misses Blue Android by a single stud, the only real bit of luck Blue got this round.


Green Turn 6a

Green’s Pathfinder continues being an awesome trapmaster, moving into the hallway leading toward the inner ring and spending an action to guide his team through the deadly arrow trap. The new Forester moves to the Mechanism and activates it, thereby rearming the traps. The timing is excellent and leaves the Grey (for whatever that’s worth) and Orange Spy stranded between the two traps, with the Medik on the outside. This situation would become even more deadly for Orange in a minute.


Green Turn 6b

Master Splinter moves back into the hallway with his team and fires a neat shot at Orange Spy. The damage, combined with the damage the Grey caused on the way out, would be enough to kill the Spy, so she inspires a RedShirt from an absolutely silly distance. The Pathfinder notices on the view screen and activates a system backdoor, temporarily hacking the Tower of Justice system and using it to teleport himself in front of Master Splinter’s shot! It buries itself in his chest and he hits the floor dead, Orange’s best way of navigating the traps separated from his Medik by those very traps.

Grey and Green share the Kill Credit for the Orange Pathfinder Kill.


Pirates Turn 6

FireBeard gets his SN dice back and expends one throwing up a Fire Ward. The others he uses to create a Fire Sword and he swings it into Blue Android. The Android is unhurt by the summoned weapon but is, unfortunately, set on fire, adding insult to the injury that has been Blue’s craptastic round.


Round Six Overview A


Round Six Overview B


Round Six Overview C

Overview Breakdown

Blue Team



Android Body 2

Upgrade: SuperNatural d6


Android: AutoGun (1 Handed), Sword

Medik Corpse: Medik Tool

Recruit Corpse: Pistol

Pathfinder Corpse: 2 Swords

Loot Score: 2

Kill Table

3 Kills

4 Deaths

Kill Score: -1

Badass Moments

Blue Turn 1, Wasting the Pathfinder for temporary gain

Blue Turn 3a, Casual Chasm Redshirt

Blue Turn 4a, This Is BrikWars!

Badass Score: 3

Objectives Obtained


Orange Team



Map Dominance


Spy: Pistol, Saber

Medik: Medik Tool, Pistol

Shotgunner: ShotGun

Pathfinder Corpse : 2 Sabers

Loot Score: 0

Kill Table

2 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 1

Badass Moments

Orange Turn 4a, A Perfect Shot

Orange Turn 5a-b, Graceful Execution

Green Turn 6b, RedShirt to Beam Up

Badass Score: 3

Objectives Obtained


Yellow Team



Poison Shiv 3


Snake: Fang Dagger (Sheathed), Longbow

Medik: Medik Tool (Holstered), Shield, Pistol

Pathfinder: Dagger, Dagger (Holstered), Pistol

Newbro: Bone Sword

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Loot Score: 4

Kill Table

7 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 6

Badass Moments

Yellow Turn 3a, Snake Coil Leap Attack

Yellow Turn 3b, Improbable Dagger Throw

Yellow Turn 4b, The Angry Arrow

Yellow Turn 6c, Arrow Explosivo

Badass Score: 4

Objectives Obtained


Green Team



Fleet Foresters


Master Splinter: Crossbow, Claw

Pathfinder: 2 Axes

Forester: Robot Part (Random Object)

Medik Corpse: Medik Tool, Crossbow

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Loot Score: 1

Kill Table

3 Kills

1 Deaths

Kill Score: 2

Badass Moments

Green Turn 3a and 5a, Pathfinder Trapmaster

Orange Turn 4b, Medik Redshirt

Green Turn 4c, Puts on Shades

Green Turn 6a-b, Tactikal Supremacy

Badass Score: 4

Objectives Obtained


Grey Team


Unknown CP

At least 1 Phasic SuperNatural Dice


Grey: 2 Knives

Grey: 2 Knives

Grey: Unknown

Grey: Unknown

Known Loot Score: 0

Kill Table

2 Kills

0 Deaths

Kill Score: 2

Badass Moments

Grey Turn 4h, The Wall Grab

Grey Turn 6d, Phantom Ride Kill Assist

Badass Score: 2

Objectives Obtained


Overview Comparison

Construction Points

Grey: 6

Blue: 3

Orange: 5

Yellow: 6

Green: 5

Loot Score

Grey: 0

Blue: 2

Orange: 0

Yellow: 4

Green: 1

Kill Score

Grey: 2

Blue: -1

Orange: 1

Yellow: 6

Green: 2

Badass Score

Grey: 2

Blue: 3

Orange: 3

Yellow: 4

Green: 4


Blue: 0

Orange: 0

Yellow: 0

Green: 0

Total Scores

Grey -2

Blue: 1

Orange: -1

Yellow: 8

Green: 2

Previous: Round Five Next: Round Seven