The blue moon shines brightly in South Stockton...
Damn it, Moon-Moon!
Introduction Soap
The Brik or Treat Battle Royale is an event where four players take on the role of a Brik-or-Treater.
The goal is simple: Through any means possible, be the one with the most treats at the end...Or the last one standing.
Treat points are counted in stud size: The bigger the goodies, the better.
Catherine AKA 'KITTY'
She would've been top of her gymnastics team, if not for her horrible luck. So instead, Catherine has resorted to bullying and stealing from the other girls to keep up in class. This made her a perfect challenger for Brik or Treat, leaving her entire opposition in the kitty litter.
Her edge is Vermin Chum: Whereas other children would be torn apart by the Brikverse's smaller wildlife, Catherine connects to these critters on a spiritual level and so any interaction with vermin will be on a friendly basis.
The Ninja only known as Pink Zane
Obsessed with the Ninjago franchise, 'Pink Zane' is possibly its biggest fan in the Brikverse. His shuriken are real, which along with his excessive martial arts training made him the top of his ladder and an excellent Brik or Treat contender.
His edge is Surprising: When standing completely still, nothing and no one can notice Pink Zane. (This ability made school dances, group projects and P.E. a living hell.)
Hecate or as she prefers to be called, 'Bloodsliver the Twisted'
Having hippies as parents was bad enough, but Hecate's 'parental units' (as she bitterly calls them) named her after an obscure mythological character. After sacrificing them to MOC-Snothoth in the form of a selfmade three-course meal in return for magikal power, she now stalks the Brikverse in order to sate her lust for power and serve her new master under the name Bloodsliver the Twisted...
Her edge is Diemon Blood: Allowing her to restore her wounds by performing no action other than moving. (Don't ask her where she got it from or how she got it.)
He hates his costume. He hates the Halloween Hellhunt. He didn't want to join this stupid competition, he just wanted to sit at home and scream profanities at other children in online games. His parents made him go to this dumb Brik or Treat. They shall pay. Just like those children.
Oh. They shall all pay dearly for this.
In candy...
Or in blood.
His edge is Extra Padding: As humiliating as the costume is, it also serves as fantastic armour for Teddy while he beats his opponents into a bloody pulp.
Kitty: Bolicob
Bloodsliver: Madmario
Pink Zane: Screech
Teddy: Spectral
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7 (Finale)