Jack Peachson: Hello, and welcome to Government Mandated Propaganda Show. I'm your host, Jack Peachson and today we'll have yellows and Orks bloody themselves against a zombie horde for our entertainment.

Jack Peachson: Last episode we took a few yellows from different nations and measured the decibels of their screams as fleebnorks munched on their flesh. The winner was the audience, who's cheers of patriotic joy inspired our great military's fervor.

Jack Peachson: Our first contestant is a mercenary who lit a peach hospital on fire after locking all the doors and windows.

Jack Peachson: Our second contestant is a samurai named Ohgi Watanabe. He hasn't committed any genocidal actions, we just think he's cool.

Jack Peachson: This is Jake Johnson. We found him in white face trying to solicit peach lot lizards. His excuse? "I'm feelin' peachy for a peachy peach."

Jack Peachson: This woman is an Assyrian assassin, she's been knocking down other peach republics for years now.

Jack Peachson: And finally we have Orgrar Grimfist, crusher of skulls.

Jack Peachson: Ready! Set! Begin!