The Holiest City outside of God's Grave, this city has withstood 20 sieges, let's see if it can take one more!

The Gilded City is protected by it's tall walls and thick gates, the gatehouse has its corps of hardend archers, it is known for its long tradition of being a big damn wall.

The Dragon wall is the last remaining piece of the Dragon Fortress, and an Icon the city and the Draconic Faith.

Today, some Orks have decided to loot the fabled gold city for fun and profit.

Led by the Brutal Bicyclops, and his comrade The Grey Hook, they plan on using ridicously tall siege ladders to climb the walls, break the gate with the balista beast, and pillage to their heart's content. Note the Orkish Bat-Centaur-Dog, a symbol of the Gods will for the orks.

The Bicyclops's two personalities, Right-eye and Wrong-eye, can sometimes fight, but they both are hellbent on breaking the city over their knee.

The reigning duke, Lord Dietrich Stormmount, commands the heavy infantry protecting the ramp to the gate.

Duke Crystoph has been called from his Duchy to lead the left flank.

Peter Garnet holds the right, although not a hero, he still looks cool.

Also of note are the horse archers, which don't really have to be on horses, but they are cooler this way.
Turn 1

The Orks get inniative and immediately charge into battle, these two bozos manage to kill each other at the same time.

The Bicyclops uses his feat to charge with the ridiculosly huge banner, but fails, meanwhile the Duke blocks the Warg's attack.

Using a speed feat, Grey Hook sprints through the ranks, grabbing this poor spearman on the way.

His sprint would have taken him 10 inches past the wall, and he puts that force to use on the spearman.

His head gets a nice perch on the wall, hanging by his spine.

The Orks on the right advance too, not as many of their sprints get them into attack range, unfortunately.

The only one who does gets taken down after fumbling his charge.

Overview after the Ork's turn.

One of the spearmen backstabs a sprinting Ork who he sidestepped last turn.

Another Ork is shish-ka-bobbed.

Using his feat, Duke Crystoph kills the warg and throws his two-headed rider from the saddle.

Duke Stormmount heroicly charges into battle, graceful as a swan.

A swan with a sword and a cleave feat, that is.

Sir Garnet fluffs his attacks, dissappointing everyone in attendence.

Overview after Defender's turn.
More coming once this posts.