Introduce yourself!

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Introduce yourself!

Post by Rayhawk » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:32 pm


Hi everybody! Here's the official introductions thread for those of you who'd like to announce your arrival on the forums and give everyone an idea of who you are. Subjects you might cover include:

* - Who are you?
* - Do you live with your mom? (Trust me, this is important)
* - Where do you come from?
* - What is your quest?

If you want you can also add yourself to the map to show where you live so that maybe you can BrikWar with someone IRL! See this post:

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Post by Waltah » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:36 pm

I am Waltah. doy. I hail from the rainy valley of eugene, oregon. I do not live with the FBI. cuz she is dead. Actually, that's a barefaced lie. I do live with the FBI. My quest is to find some more people who play brikwars, because the kid I used to play with moved to colorado.
Wiggidy what?

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by IVhorseman » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:40 pm

Rayhawk wrote:Hi everybody! Here's the official introductions thread for those of you who'd like to announce your arrival on the forums and give everyone an idea of who you are. Subjects you might cover include:

* - Who are you?
* - Do you live with your mom? (Trust me, this is important)
* - Where do you come from?
* - What is your quest?
*-What is your favorite color?

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Post by Rayhawk » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:40 pm

Since I started the thread, I'll go ahead and give this a shot.

1. Who are you?
I'm Rayhawk. I'm a professional illustrator and toy and video game concept designer. You can see some of my work at

2. Do you live with your mom?
I live in more places than I can count, but none of them are with the FBI. Some of them may be with YOUR mom.

3. Where do you come from?
Lugnet, originally. I can also be found on sometimes when I have time to follow the forums over there.

4. What is your quest?
To continue refining BrikWars into either a polished jewel of complete ridiculousness or into some kind of sinister cult. Also to cause trouble.

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Post by DarkWolf » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:48 pm

* - Who are you?
DarkWolf, duh, and I cannot tell you my real name for obvious reasons, but I will say that the first half of my last name is Cameron (CAM-eer-ON) Those of you who know anything about Scottish history will recogize that

* - Do you live with your mom?
My grandparents. the FBI lives about a hour north of me

* - Where do you come from?
The frozen northern tip of the United States of America, otherwise known as Minnesota (wish I was in Alaska though)

* - What is your quest?
To become a sniper in the United States Marine Corps
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Post by Almighty Benny » Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:21 am

1. Who are you?
To wave your finger, you musta been out your head. I am Legend, I once killed a man with a toothbrush, I am almost completely recyclable, I run on chicken parmesan and trinitrotoluene, I'm dynamite, sometimes I make a slight buzzing noise (but this is quite normal), I am wanted in 46/50 states and unwanted in the rest, I am your worst nightmare, I am detective John Kimbel, I run 70hz AC through my body at all times, I exist in the 10th dimension and therefore my qualia is universally applicable, I am Iron Man, I am divisible by zero, I am double spaced, I am nonlinear, I am Jack's medulla oblongata, I defeated Muammar Qadafi in a life-size game of chutes and ladders, I hail from a 500 year old city known as Ouagadougou, I have been where the wild things are and left no survivors, I am the walrus.

2. Do you live with your mom?
I exist in a superposition of states. As soon as I am observed to be living with the FBI, my cult dies.

3. Where do you come from?
I was raised by rare and wild, surfing penguins.

4. What is your quest?
To bash the peons.
I said "no" to drugs, but they just wouldn't listen...

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Post by Almighty Benny » Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:24 am

That oughta keep you all wondering...

also I forgot to mention, I'm standing outside dressed as a shrubbery, as soon as you stop looking for me I'll run away though.
I said "no" to drugs, but they just wouldn't listen...

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Post by Skinnydude » Thu Dec 27, 2007 10:42 am

1. Who are you?
I go by a few names, Skinnydude being but one. And no, I don't really do anything interesting, unless being able to read massive amounts of material in a short time count.....

2. Do you live with your mom?
Yep. No seriously, I do.

3. Where do you come from?
Florida. Gotta either love hurricanes, heat and humidity, or tourists to live down here. Either that or be out of you bloody mind.

4. What is your quest?
To find the Ark of the Covenant before the Nazis do. *Whispers* Wait, you mean somebody beat me to it? Crap. Guess I'll just settle for becoming an author of some sort.
Well what've we got here....

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Post by Olothontor » Thu Dec 27, 2007 11:15 am

*Who Are You?

There are some who call me... Tim? But I like to call myself Olothontor (He's an old half-dragon D&D character of mine. I fell so in love with him that I use his name for everything online. No, seriously, everything).

*Do You Live With Your Mom?

Seeing as I am only 15, yes, I do live with the FBI.

*Where Do You Com From?

I hail from Baltimore, Maryland. I've lived in Japan for 3 years, California for 2, Texas for about 4, and I am currently in Alexandria, Virginia seeking a good Brikwars group. Ooops, that was the answer to the next question...

*What Is Your Quest?

To seek the Holy Grail?
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane." - Akira Kurosawa
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Post by King of Brix » Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:48 pm

Who are you?

I'm Adam, the King of Brix.

Do you live with your mom? (Trust me, this is important)

Same answer as Tim.

Where do you come from?

Poland originally. Live in Canada. :evil:

What is your quest?

The genocide of the peach minifig race, the Jaw-Jaw race and the Dimmy race... Each of those can be accomplished over the course of several games of Brikwars. Also, play more Brikwars.

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Post by Moronstudios » Thu Dec 27, 2007 2:14 pm

* - Who are you?
The only thing I can tell you about my name is that it starts with Peter. I use Retep as an online name <a href=''>alot</a>. I am a DM for D&D (I have a hard time keeping a plot strait). I loathed puplic school due to the other students (I go to a different school now).
* - Do you live with your mom? (Trust me, this is important)
I'm 15, so, yes I do.
* - Where do you come from?
I wsh I could you anything more the Canada.
* - What is your quest?
To do something important with my life.
Looking for Vancouver Island players:

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Post by IVhorseman » Thu Dec 27, 2007 9:02 pm

eh, i figured most of you know me already, but what the hell

* - Who are you?
There ain't much to say about who i am. you'd half to talk to me to get it all.
* - Do you live with your mom? (Trust me, this is important)
Yes, but i will be moving to a dorm come this next school year. i'll be going to either CalPoly in san luis obispo, or san diego state.
* - Where do you come from?
Why my parents of course.
* - What is your quest?
Well, way to be corny, but i hope to be a hero for someone. other than that, i'm planning on becoming a civil or structural engineer, and eventually finding that certain special (hopefullyredheaded) someone to raise hell with.
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Post by Jemulov » Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:53 am

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Post by IVhorseman » Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:05 pm

there's a specific metallurgical engineering? wow, that's specific.

is it just me, or do legos lead children to become engineers?

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Post by King of Brix » Fri Dec 28, 2007 9:09 pm

Not at all. I want to become an Accountant... For reasons unknown even to myself. My friend wants to be a landscape designer... dunno if that counts. On your swords, you MUST specify whether it's a hand weapon, heavy weapon, or two handed weapon, and what it's stats are :P That would be hilarious. Some private collector buys a katana off you and asks why 1d6+1 is inscribed on the blade.

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