You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

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You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Tue May 26, 2020 9:55 pm

Imperial Magikstrate -- RedRover


The IM Sniper shoots another ASE Soldier from across the valley.


All the other IM minifigs advance towards the Noxarians. Ulrich and Maskar cast spells and the soldiers go pew pew.


One Noxarian is shot to death, while the guy with the rockets gets hit by a fire spell, which ignites one of the rockets.


The rocket explodes, causing a chain reaction.


His body is torn to pieces in the massive explosion. The Noxarian hero, who was standing right behind him, takes a direct hit.


The hero is killed by the explosion, leaving only one Noxarian left. This guy didn't use his action last turn, so he is able to use response fire, and with an absolutely incredible damage roll he kills Captain Krisdes.


The IM Hovertank moved back onto the uprising and prepares response fire.
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Tue May 26, 2020 10:12 pm

ASE -- Infinity


One of the soldiers throws the dead body out of the back of the armoured car.


And he goes for a ride.


Everybody moves up towards the ruin. An officer finally kills the sniper guy, and the tank fires 3 missiles and its main guns at the IM Hovertank.


Two rockets and one of the laser blasts hit the tank, giving it two points of size damage.


The Hovertank fired back with its main gun and scores a hit.


The Spider Tank takes 1 point of size damage.


I almost forgot about this guy. He had a good line of site to one of the Austrian robots. He shoots it and gives it 1 point of size damage. (The robots are Size 2)

Noxarian -- Bricksyd


Down to the last man... he takes a shot and misses.
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Tue May 26, 2020 10:22 pm

Space Austria -- Archduke


Half of them advance towards the ASE. They take a couple shots, but the only one that hits kills the guy who had jumped into the back of the Armoured Car.


The rest of them move up and attack the Reiists. All they manage here is to do a point of size damage to the tank.


The hero goes and grabs the laser sword that Captain Krisdes was carrying.


And he attempts to throw it at the Reiists.


And he's successful!


A Rei Fanatic is sliced in half by the laser sword.
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Tue May 26, 2020 10:50 pm

Dora the Exploriens -- Spectral


The injured Super Dora reaches out to her fallen comrade.


And with a crit success on a heroic feat okkult magik allows her to restore her back to full health. (Super Dora and the other Lesser Dora are still injured.)


Dora: I live... aaggaaiiinnnn!!
Dora: Felicidad!


Super Dora and the injured Lesser Dora fire at the window of the building with the Deadly Space Men inside of it.


But their shots are garbage and they don't hurt anyone. So they make their way towards the building to try close combat next turn.

Space Poland -- Joecool185


These dudes ran down here last turn to take cover from the ASE. It worked, because this turn they didn't get shot at, but now they're in a basement for no reason. One of them grabs the sniper rifle from the dead IM sniper who was in the window above. Another fires at the last ASE Soldier who is still on the grate part of the landing pad, but he misses.

Oh and there's nothing down here other than that control panel, which does nothing.
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Wed May 27, 2020 10:45 am

Deadly Space Warriors -- RunsWithLegos


One by one the Deadly Space Men charge the Doras.


But with the worst rolls imaginable (hint: 1's) they fail to hit their target...




and over...


and over again.


Super Dora: Does this mean we get to chainsaw fight next turn?


Dora: Hell yea! Chainsaw fight!

The couple of DSM who ran down the steps rolled 1 on their skill rolls, and the ones who jumped rolled 2's. I was giving a -1 modifier to the jumpers because they were jumping off a cliff. Sometimes you want to see a minifig get ripped apart by ORANGE TRANSPARENT CHAINSAWS but the dice keep saying "No." :/
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Sat May 30, 2020 7:03 pm


Suggested Listening


As the battle rages above ground, the crystal glows with power. The deaths of each minifig pulse through the crystal. The energy from spells cast amplifies the magikal perturbations, until koincidence causes tears to form in reality itself.


A portal in the space-time kontinuum has formed! A voice is heard from the portal!

???: NOO!!


And through it rises a mysterious stranger!
???: What the FUCK?


???: I got OUT!
???: I have a LIFE now!


The pissed off magikal priestess looks around.
???: Wait... what the FUCK?


???: God damnit. This isn't even the RIGHT GENRE!
???: I don't DO space anymore! I'm into fantasy and LARP! Who the hell brought me here? FUCK!!


???: Well assholes! Can I at least get some backup if I'm going to have to fight and die on this stupid death world?
???: What even is this half-baked futuristic hellscape? Who puts a temple across from a sci-fi landing pad?


???: Amateurs!
???: Stupid portal, I'm going to need more than flames!


???: What.


???: A series minifig?


???: Give me a break! What part of sci-fi do they not understand? We're going to get blasted apart by lasers and shit!
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Sat May 30, 2020 7:22 pm


More figures emerge from the portal.
???: A magikal mummy lady? Well I guess spell casters might have a chance against doom robots and death lasers.


More figures keep appearing.



Pretty soon there's a whole party of Pirate and Castle theme rogues, knights, and bowmen.

???: Well I guess beggers can't be choosers. But who are you guys anyway? I was on some kind of quest, I can't remember exactly, and then suddenly I was brought here.


???: Y'all look like a bunch of damn protagonists!
???: But my cape is red! That makes me the hero of this party!

Pirate Lady: What should we call you miss?

???: You can call me Rose.

Elven Archer: And what are we to do here?

Rose: Well, we've got no choice but to investigate the source of magikal energy that brought us here.

Rose: And when we locate it, we use it to find and kill the DM.

Secret Faction 2 Unlocked: Rose's Raiders -- RagnarokRose
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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by RagnarokRose » Sat May 30, 2020 7:24 pm

ah fuck here we go again
she/her | formerly known as ross_varn | exiled for the good of the f.e.l.c.

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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Sat May 30, 2020 7:51 pm

Reiists -- AnnoyedZebra


I almost forgot these guys. Sorry!! Anyway, they shoot a bunch of dudes.


Shit's looking really bad for the IM! Maskar is dead, and they only have 1 other soldier left, plus the damaged Hovertank. One of the Austrians also died to the Reiists gunfire.


Transport Pilot: The landing pad is too hot!


Transport Pilot: We'll drop by the ruin. Prepare to disembark!


The transport lands by the ruin.


20 Imperial Magikstrate Commandos disembark from the transport.


The Commandos take position as the transport dusts off.



Evil Bounty Hunters: 5
Space Poland: 1
ASE: 22
Imperial Magikstrate: 21
Deadly Space Warriors: 1
Immortals: 9
Doras the Exploriens: 5
Noxarians: 2
Reiists: 4
Space Austria: 2
Rose's Raiders: 0

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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by BrickSyd » Sun May 31, 2020 5:39 am

That went pretty well

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Re: You'll Die As You Lived -- Turn 3

Post by Natalya » Sun May 31, 2020 2:27 pm

You got one guy left! You can't complain when there're two factions that are already KILL.

Also, I love how the ASE and the IM are like deadlocked in a competition to see who can make the body count rise the fastest.

And we're only finished through Turn 3 but there have already been 72 kills. (The kill count includes the time one of the Doras got killed, even though she was revived later.)
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