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These rules, and the ideas presented in these pages, are completely unauthorized and unsanctioned by anyone, anywhere, except possibly by Mike Rayhawk. They are especially unauthorized and unsanctioned by INTERLEGO AG, TYCO, Ritvik, or in fact by any producer of any type of plastic construction toys, or even by anyone who is remotely connected with any producer of any type of plastic construction toys. Furthermore, if there is anyone else out there I somehow missed, I preemptively disclaim any apparent or implicit authorization or sanctioning from them. We reserve the right to let somebody try to authorize or sanction us at some unspecified point in the future, but it doesn't seem very likely; at present, there is no kind of authorizing or sanctioning going on here, or anywhere near here.
Images contained within these pages may bear a superficial resemblance to products that have been copyrighted by INTERLEGO AG. This does not represent any kind of endorsement or approval by INTERLEGO AG. This game is not specifically geared towards the "LEGO" product line, or towards any specific line of plastic construction toys. These pictures indicate the author's personal, subjective, and unsolicited preference for the "LEGO" product line, and are provided only as examples - similar pieces from any manufacturers' line of plastic building bricks could be used instead.
Much of the material used in these pages was inspired by or is in homage to Eric O'Dell and R. Todd Ogrin's 'Lego Wars' (C)1991 and 'Lego Wars II' (c)1995. Obviously, "LEGO" is a registered trademark of INTERLEGO AG, so there's no way you're ever going to see either of these great works in public. But trust me, they exist.
Everything in these pages that can't be proven to belong to one of those entities listed above is copyright (c)1998 Mike Rayhawk.
If, even after all that, you still have any objections, then I'm very disappointed in you. Nonetheless, please feel free to mail me at [email protected].  

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