Episode 9: Test Run

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Previously: Episode 8: New Year Reception (Part II)

In the M-Throne Security Center on Kiironohoshi, the capitol planet of Yellow Sun Empire, Commander Eegon is working in his room. A soldier come into the room.


Commander Eegon: Yes?

Soldier: Captain Aris, commander of base three, is on line to report sir.

Commander Eegon: Good.


Captain Aris: Good day sir.

Commander Eegon: Good day captain. How are the preparations going?

Captain Aris: All preperations are going as planned sir. We can proceed with the test run as scheduled.


Commander Eegon: Good, Captain. You are doing a good job. Are the defensive systems' installments completed?

Captain Aris: Installation of T-LC26 turrets are completed yesterday. Portable shield generator is on the way from the headquarters.

Commander Eegon: Great. Be sure to share the technical data sheets of the new turrets with the engineering section. I would like to see the data sheets myself. Maybe we can do some improvements.

Captain Aris: As you wish. Commander. I'm sending the data sheets now.

Commander Eegon: I'm waiting for them. You can go back to finalize the preparations now. We will be in base three in two hours.

Captain Aris: We will be waiting for your arrival. Commander.

Commander Eegon: Good. See you later, Captain.

Commander Eegon, who has a engineer background himself opens and examines the datasheets of the new turrets.
