Second Teutonic Reich

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Second Teutonic Reich
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TL 5
Small Empire
None listed
Notable People

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Many generations ago, the Teutons were a proud war-like people, but after having their right to bear arms and thus field an army stripped away by the Federation of Nations, the Teutons have become passive simpletons. In an effort to restore the former glory of the Fatherland, an esoteric occult society (believed to be the long-forgotten Teutonic Order) has risen the long-dead Kaiser and his Marshals from the dead. The undead beings, known as die gesichtslose "the faceless", have toppled the Federation's puppet republic in Teutonia and become the new aristocratic class, essentially leaving the Bluts "Bloods" (the living) as slaves to the Kaiser and his minions. None-the-less, the Teutons have sworn eternal allegiance to der Kaiser and the restoration of the Teutonic Empire. Der Kaiser, whose true name has been forgotten by modern Teutons due to all records of his existence being banned and untaught for generations, has already united all Teutonic speaking peoples and is now prepared to invade foreign sovereigns.

The Potsdamned Guard is the home guard regiment of the Empire. The Potsdamned Guard is mostly comprised of humans, but also includes a small elite body of the Faceless.

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Kaiser's Courtiers: The Großkomtur (Grand Master), his Marshals, the Tote Wache (Dead Guard/Watch), the Inquisitors, and the Crown Bearer (the only human member of the court). Der Kaiser is not pictured.

Forum Threads

The Potsdamned Guard of the Second Teutonic Reich