Cult of the Cake

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Cult of the Cake
Blank fig.jpg
TL 5
Small Empire
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Notable People

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Within the galaxy, a mysterious cult spreads! First appearing on a Dimmy-controlled planet, an addiction for cake and other sweets quickly overtakes its people. These addicted Dimmies became even more violent and stupider than their predicessors. Forming the Cult of the Cake, these vile beings spread throughout the galaxy, bringing many more minifigures under the addiction...

Cultists of the Cake are violent, numerous, and utterly insane.

The cultist up front carries the LINTOSH-XP HOME EDITION. She is a signalling beacon that urges the cultists to do actions on her behalf, promising them that there will be cake. The cultist that carries LINTOSH-XP HOME EDITION is transformed into the Champion of the Cake and is granted incredible power to perform anything necessary to spread the cake.

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Among the first races conquered by the cult were the nefarious Fiends. Evil to the core, these minidolls purposely surrendered their will to the cake to continue their wicked plots. The Fiends rituatally set their heads on fire to emulate Saturnalia cakes. Though far more intelligent and independant than the standard cultists, Fiends are usually used to haul heavy loads and provide insidious designs from their homeworld for the cause.

Ice cream mortars. Armed with HD (Highly Delicious) cake rounds, these mortars provide essential indirect fire to the cause. If necessary, the operator can attach and fire a fellow cultist.

The Watching Tree hails from the Fiend's homeworld, this evil and presumably perverted tree utilizes psychic powers and its fire fruits to vanquish its enemies.

The Iron Donut is designed to project the will of LINTOSH-XP HOME EDITION, the donut features both delicious sprinkles and a massive eye.

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