BR 2,002

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Revision as of 16:46, 7 February 2014 by Piltogg (talk | contribs)
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Significant Events

In a terrifying turn of events, Megablox outsells LEGO this year.


Reports From the Field

WWII Train Assault - By NELUG, The Allies attempt another surprise attack after their wild success (one survivor) in July of 2000, but this time the Nazis are ready for them.

War of the Bricks - By NELUG, A soviets vs. Americans Red Moon type scenario by Wayne McCaul of NELUG

Coalition Research Vehicle 0.937 - By NELUG; The Factions challenge Coalition authority in a race to track down a high-tech Ugly Hat and some porn, in a derelict research vessel in which the development of a new biological superweapon has gone horribly, hilariously wrong.

Quest for the Alien, part 2 -By NELUG; Coalition and Faction troops return to the derelict research vessel in an attempt to track down and capture the deadly alien lifeforms hidden therein. Sadly, they were no match for the wily bartender droid and his hypnotically irresistible beer. Features some lovely modular space buildings.

The Nameless horror - by NELUG; No survivors retained enough of their sanity to tell the tale of what happened on this terrifying night, but the pictures that emerged show Cthuloid demons straight out of H.P. Lovecraft's darkest nightmares mangling their way through ranks of innocent townspeople

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