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Physics is the study of how the Brikverse works. The BrikVerse being the way it is, its physics are even more convoluted and inconsistent than those in real life. Many minifig physicists throw their hands in the air and give up, and the few who do come close to the truth often find themselves buried in impossibly difficult computations and formulas.

It is generally divided into 4 separate branches: Matter, Forces, Energy, and Time.


This is the study of how matter, such as ABS interacts with other matter.Practical applications include bombs, swords, and armour.

See the Boson page for a brief rundown on BrikVerse particle physics.


This is the study of how forces such as movement affect matter.Practical applications include guns and engines.


This is the study of how the basic forms of energy can be used and harnessed. Practical applications include lasers and nuklear bombs.


This is the study of how time works, and the logic of retcons. Practical applications include time travel.