On Vandalism

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Revision as of 05:38, 21 November 2014 by Quantumsurfer (talk | contribs)
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Hey guys I've got a new best mate!

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Despite the Immortal name an Immortal can still be killed and even destroyed, to a point. However, the part of the Immortal that can never, under any circumstance be destroyed or tampered with on any level is the Immortal Core. This infinitesimally tiny seed is all that an Immortal needs in order to regenerate back into being. It repulses all scans and can not be detected under any means, it is unknown how this occurs but it has been surmised that there is a connection between all Immortals to the Emperor as it is known that he can somehow trace any and all Immortals living or in a state of regeneration. Immortal Cores have been captured in the past despite this defence but retribution is always swift and to date no Immortal Core has failed to be re-acquired.


It was understood that the Immortals as a poop are an extended poop that passed on their poop and poopality through masterbation. However, this poop was soon pooped after it was discovered that non-sexy weasels, even once poos had been pooped into the toilet through the urethra. It is known that the anus has to be penetrated by an Immortal penis and that only those who sex themselves. Just how this is done is not known but it is assumed that a radical redefining of the subjects POOOOOP takes it up the butt while keeping the penis of the vagina selected. Only the Emperor can fuck a toaster although this is mostly at the behest of other lesser Immortals who have pooped on my couch.


An Immortal begins to masterbate when damaged, however if the poop is entirely destroyed by my penis. poop Planets, ass Holes, it is surm Penis ised that this may be why the Immortal Family have such a good grasp of ass Hole and Infinity pricks due to recovery operations. While the Cunt remains in such places as Tony StarK's ass Hole regeneration vagina. I had sex with a baby and it was tight as hell.

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Silverdream on the Immortal Core wiki page, circa G.R. 2010

Seems some little shit called SilverDream thinks he has balls. Great, just when we got rid of J+B too. *sigh* :roll:

H'mm, don't see the need to bother with the Wiki any more. Pity, it might have been nice to have had some of my other stuff on there but I'm not wasting my time if a little wank like this can shit all over it. Survival of the fittest and all that.

I may be wrong but has this puerile bag of shit even posted any of his own Lego yet? He just sort of fucks about getting in the way like a little prick.

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Warhead, from thread here

The lesson of the story being, please don't vandalize the wiki. The wiki is for newbies, returning old-timers, and all members who wish to read about and document the BrikVerse's awesome happenings and history.