BoultonPaulDefiant's Mini BrikWars

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Mini BrikWars is a system that will allow players with smaller amount of briks, or players that want even more bloodshed, play massive battles, in exchange for graphics.

Basic Rules

Mini BrikWars uses the same rules as normal BrikWars, but there are no minifigs on field, instead there are one brik high and single stud wide cylinders, who's color depends on what minifig it represent. Those cylinders (from now referred to as Soldiers) are packed into squads on a single squad plate, like in squad combat.

Each color of Soldier has assigned minifig, that will represent during battle.

It is advised to use squads in Mini BrikWars, but it is not compulsory.

Measuring Distances

In Mini BrikWars you don't measures distances in inches ("), but instead each stud in Mini BrikWars equals 1 inch from normal BrikWars.1 inch height is roughly in Mini BrikWars equal to height of two flat pieces, but if you want to be precise, just put a brik with studs against the sall you want to measure.

Vehicles and Structures

Vehicles and Structures work as Soldiers, but instead of cylinders, they are represented by smaller versions of themselves (scaled properly). Those smaller versions can lack details, and/or guns, but it must be clear which vehicle it represent.

It can be hard to put Soldiers inside models of vehicles, but as long as there is no boarding, there is no need of actually putting soldiers inside. If there will be boarding, the model should be big enough to handle it. Alternatively boarding can be played alongside in normal scale.


A hero's ego would not fit inside single stud, so in Mini BrikWars Heroes are represented by their heads.