Eagle Strike Force

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Eagle Strike Force
Blank fig.jpg
Tek Level 6
Influence Unknown
None listed
Notable People


Formed at the outermost edge of the BrikVerse, the ESF empire has a long and violent history.

The empire shares borders with USAS, The AAUT, and The Dimmy Forces of Payton. All three of these civilizations would love to see the ESF overthrown and dismantled. However, every attack on ESF territory has been blocked so far, and the forces of the empire would fight to the last man to stop their enemies.

When the ESF has struck back, they have struck with such a force that the enemy would lose planets and even systems before the slaughter was stopped. The Dimmy Forces of Payton were made aware of this in BR 2,012 when the ESF, enraged from the death of their leader Alphafalcon, landed on the Dimmies' capital planet Reyo. In the grim and bloody fighting that followed, the ESF tore through horde after horde of Dimmies and decorated their vehicles with bloody trophies. The fighting on Reyo lasted ten years, and when it finished the Dimmy horde had been eliminated entirely - along with their ruler, the almighty Payton.


The ESF Empire currently consists of around 300 systems. However, due to the recent wars with USAF, the exact number is unknown.

Unknown to the rest of the BrikVerse until BR 2,011, the ESF for many years believed themselves to be the center of the BrikVerse, and so they looked down upon the other civilizations that dared to attack them.

When, in BR 2,012, the ESF did come into contact with the rest of the verse, it was with an Immortal feared across the entire BrikVerse - the legendary Warhead, who had watched from above Reyo as the ESF had fought. He had realized that they were an ally that he must have, for he had witnessed legendary feats, and heroic actions every day that the ESF had fought. Warhead called on them to join the Immortal Empire, and they did, becoming one of the best suppliers of Maniac Beer to the front line to ease the soldiers' suffering.

The ESF leader, Hawkin, sent the Immortals the ESF Empire's finest legion, the Legion of Talon, which he himself led into battle on Reyo.
