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Criminal Empire
Tek Level 6
Originating in the Gold Sector. Influence over the western Arms. primarily in Galacia, Poland, USSSR and the 45th Union
None listed
Cherhovna Bryhada (Gold Sector)
45th Union (Secret dealings)
Galacia (Secret dealings)
Strapone Outfit (Purple Sector)
Space Mafia
45th Union
Space Cops
Notable People

The Syndikat /Sinn-De-Katt/ (Galacian Slavonik: синдикат) синдикат is a major, militarized criminal organization of mobsters, pirates, drug dealers and other shitlords that operates in the Western Arms of Galaxia Nehellenium


The Syndikat was originally known as the "Galatz Bratva", or Galacian Brotherhood. An enforcer gang of the International Space Mafia. However during the war between Galacian Republik forces and Communists in the west of the Gold Sector, with chaos on the streets left a power vaccum and the Bratva was able to obtain massive amounts of military equipment which it then used to force it's way into other criminal dealings. After allying itself with other criminal gangs from Poland, the USSSR, 45th Union and others in the Western Arms, they merged together into the Syndikat and broke off from the Mafia with the goal of challenging their dominance of the criminal underworld and claiming the western galaxy as it's "Turf". The ensuing turf war between the Syndikat and Mafia would terrorize the civilian populace all over the Western Arms

The Syndikat would end up damaging the integrity of the Iron Symphony Alliance when it moved in on the Emerian region, a historic Mafia stronghold, while the turf war remained in the Mafia's favor, corruption from officials on all sides ended up in Emerian and Galacian forces getting involved, and taking sides in the gang war. This would drive a wedge between the allies and culminated when Mob rule became so apparent that the Imperiya and some of their Emerian allies were the only others who wanted the Mafia run administration removed. This resulted in Emeria having its membership in the alliance suspended, The Imperiya withdrew all peacekeepers, and Emeria became just another forgotten battlezone in the massive Western Arms gang war.


Syndikat mobsters are known to be extremely violent, crude and unrefined, Where the mafia might assasinate a single foe at a restaurant with a single hitman, the Syndikat would crash a truck into the restaurant and kill 5 or 6 non-targets in addition to their mark. If the Mafia is aged, fine wine, The Syndikat is crude, put you on your ass, gutrot moonshine.

Syndikat thugs wear black clothes or armor, and often wear helmets too. Some carry small handguns or automatic weapons, While others are known to carry military grade longarms like rifles and blastguns. Handheald beam weapons are also a favorite of Syndikat mobsters, Beam sabers, staffs and battle axes are all common to see in place of guns. They use cars, trucks, vans and motorcycles while planetside, and own small fleets of fighters, corvettes and other ships for piracy and transports.

Cherhovna Bryhada from the Gold Sector, An Ultranationalist paramilitary group who is known to be just as brutal if not more than the Syndikat, is a major ally of theirs. And is not uncommon to see them brought along to operations where savagery is an asset.


Syndikat Bosses are known to have stakes in the following legal and illegal operations

  • Participation in the Black Market arms trade and other Gunrunning
  • Manufacturing, smuggling and trafficking of drugs. Primarily Mindfuck
  • Extortion and Protection racketeering
  • Murder and assassination of civilians, police and rival mobsters
  • Influencing civilians and politicians through violence, or other more subtle means
  • Sabotage of Industrial, Governmental, Military and business property
  • Armed Mercenary services
Syndikat thugs, somewhere in the Western Galacian colonies
Syndikat "Whacking" is crude and brutal even by mobster standards