Skion Interstellar Domain

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Skion Interstellar Domain
Tek Level 6
Controls the Skion Protectorate
Notable People
His Sirenity

Eldon, Saw of the Army
Skulna the War Queen

The Skion Interstellar Domain

Not so long ago, the Skion were content to build their utopia upon their home planet and it's twin moons, Eylia and Solia. They built towering structures, expansive gardens, and eradicated diseases. Peace reigned so long that the armories were shuttered and the weapons were put aside. It cam to be that few could remember a day when the threat of violence and war was present on the mind. The people were educated in science and magik, building their prosperity on them like pillars. It would last for generations.

The First War

Forum Thread

As the Skion looked less and less to the stars and more and more to their own comfort and leisure, a foe lurked in the depths of space. A creeping, crawling horror known as The Swarm. These monsters landed across a significant quadrant of the planet inside mucus covered sacks the size of buildings. When the Skion went to investigate they found only the teeth and claws of an enemy who did not negotiate or give quarter. In desperation, the Skion broke open their armories and made war once more. The Swarm cared not for territory or glory but only for violence. They came to bring death. The Skion mega structures proved difficult to defeat efficiently, giving the once-peaceful Skion time to formulate a strategy. The old tactics were no longer useful. The old weapons had to be remade. With fire and magik they made armor, guns, and tanks. The last of the generals drew a line around the planet and ordered it to be fortified. Trenches were dug, barbed wire was placed, bunkers were built. Line after line of defense was constructed, the entire population drafted into service. In ten days the line was drawn, spanning the entire horizon. The fighting was fierce when The Swarm were finally finished chewing through the unguarded section of the planet. With vast numbers they charged into the bullets and blades of the new Skion war machine, overwhelming it piece by piece.

Days of constant fighting wore on, the death toll reaching impossible numbers. Blood soaked the ground for miles. Slowly the charge of The Swarm was checked, halted by never ending artillery and the desperate will of uncountable warriors. When day dawned on the thirty-first day there were no foes to kill. The enemy had retreated and now it was the Skion's turn to advance. They purged the blight from their homeworld with pitiless violence until every stone had been checked and every hideout torched.

The Awakening

After surviving the horrors of the first war the Skion looked to the stars. It would not take long to repair the damage to their world, but now the people wanted more. They wanted the stars. The warrior spirit of the Skion was reawakened. Shipyards were built and factories reopened. The Skion did not need to be pressed into service, they did so gladly. They would bring war to the stars and increase their influence. The Skion Interstellar Domain was born.