M:Tron Empire

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M-Tron Empire
Tek Level 6
Imperial Terretories
None listed
Notable People

M-Tron Empire

The Empire is one of the strongest empires in the brikverse. The Emperor, Creator and the Leader of the Empire rules thousands of planets across the brikverse. The ultimate goal of the Emperor is to establish the greater good for all the organic and syntetic lifeforms in the brikverse. To reach his goal his is willing to use every way possible. The Empire is always ready to fight the evil when necessary.


Before the Empire

Establishment of the Empire

Great Expansion Era

Recent History

Imperial Organizations

Imperial Armed Forces

There are four different military organizations in the Empire, these are Imperial Army, Imperial Guard, Imperial Fleet and Iron Hammer Organizations. First three organizations combined are defined as the Army of the Emperor. Iron Hammer Organization is a subgroup of the Emperors Children Organization.

An example photo of the Imperial Military Forces.

The Emperor is the supreme commander of the entire military force of the Empire. Imperial Army, Imperial Guard and Imperial Fleet have their own chain of command. Grand Generals and Admirals command their forces. If the matter is important, The Emperor made the final decisions.

Symbol of Imperial Army.

Imperial Army is the main militay force in the Empire. Imperial Army controls most of the planatery attack and defence forces and also a small space fleet. This fleet contains fighters, small and medium size transport vessels and is responsible of interstellar transportation of the military forces. Imperial Army also have his own technical departmants and workers to build and maintain military structures.

Imperial Guard is similar to the Imperial Army but located in the core planets. Their main function is to defend the Emperor, Emperors Childen and the Imperial Order itself. Imperial Guard members are trained mentally and physically in a special program and genetically enchanced to be perfect soldiers. Their loyalty to the Emperor and Imperial order is indisputable. Personal Guards of the Emperor Children and Emperor is chosen among the members of the Imperial Guard by the Emperor himself and they are taught to use psychic powers. Another special group of the Imperial Guard is the Elite Guards. These are the most promising soldiers in the army. They are tasked with special operations that need extreme acuracy and sometimes secrecy.

Imperial Fleet is the Space Fleet of the Empire. It controls intergalactic and interstellar space vehicles. Its main duties are military transportation, defending systems in Imperial Terretories, engaging enemy forces in space and defending interdimensional portals and warp gates in space. Carriers, Battlecruisers, Destroyers, Spacestations are examples of the vessels under Imperial Fleets control. The Imperial Fleet is commanded by the Grand Admiral Eisenadler who is the son of the Emperor.

Imperial Senate

Symbol of Imperial Senate

Third Eye Organization

Emperors Children


The mineral called "Magnet" is one of the most precious mineral in the brikverse. Its unusual magnetic properties are studied by the M-tronian scientist and used to create magnetic technologies by the engineers. There are diffent applications where magnet mineral can be used according to the form of the mineral. Magnet in crystal form emits high mangenic energy and when it is contained it could be used for anti/gravity generators, energy shielding, warp-engines, and interdimensional- and warp-gates etc. Magnet in amorphous form is used as structure material in all kinds of vehicles and buildings.

Anti-Gravity and Gravity Generators.

Magnets in crystal form are used in gravity and antigravity generators. Magnetic field is converted to graviton field to create gravity in capital ships and space platforms. Anti-gravity generators are also used to hover tanks and armored vehicles over rough terrains. Small and Medium size speeders also have similar kind of equipments in them.

Interstellar Travel

Space ships of the Empire have warp-engines to enable faster-than-light travel in space. The necessary energy is maintained by large Magnet crystals. Small transport ships, fighters etc. have the capability of limited interstellar travel. Capital ships have faster inerstellar travel capasities.

Intergalactic Travel

The intergalactic travel can be made by to methods. First method is the classical method of technology. Altough the warp-engines are capable of establishing faster-than-light speeds, some distances need more advanced technologies to be reached. Intergalactic-warp portals are gates are used for this purpose. Portals are temporal gateways and created by warp-portal generators by special generator ships and Black Stars. Gates are permanent gateways that are built across the imperial terretory to maintain a trade and communication network between imperial systems. According to the laws of psysics all matter in the universe is actually at the same points in the 9. dimension. It means that the distances for teleportation through a warp portal or gate are not significant for the necessary energy. Only the size of the portal is important for the necessary energy but there is a minimum amaount of energy threshhold to open a portal at first place.

The alternate method can only be used by the psychics. Psychic force is able to bend the dimensions of the psysical universe to enable the force user to travel vast distances in a blick of time. Only one psychic is powerful enough to make this kind of travel. The Emperor.


Notable Leaders


