Warhead is drawn from the Quantumsurfer bag, and arrives with N_B's Immortals.
Book uses the size 9 cannon on the Spelljammer to jam Pacifass, his horse, and the ground he stands on.
The GGE Ranger Captain gets arrested by the Chain Boi.
Fire mages and crossbowmen kill some Rules Lawyers.
Negatron is pulled into the universe by a critical failure roll. "EXISTENCE IS PAAAAAIIIIIN"
Ken and Book (the regular versions) arrive to reinforce the Travelers' Society.
The two-headed guy turns into a deadly hedgehog and prepares to rev through the portal.
More pics of The Child's faction. He went home for the night so we skipped his turn.
Sanic the Hegehogg pulps the Assyrian hero as it rips out the other side of the portal.
The Centurion gives it a shove, however, saving the main bulk of aoffan's troops and dooming a dungan.
The GGE Scout jumps onto the Four Rum's main gun. He tests the systems: Rolling low, he confirms that the use rating is as high as it should be, all systems nominal.
To everyone's surprise, the rainbow dieplane does a point of damage to the Cerberus.
Auric finally does his first real heroic feat in basically the history of his appearances. Clenching his gold chrome pecs into a focusing mirror, he hits the block men with a ray of light that sets them on fire.
Captain Hera takes down the last Dieplane, achieving air superiority on that side of the table for the GGE. Ninja_bait begins to be concerned that Ken may be giving up... or faking giving up. Or is probably fucking tired.
Hera prepares to bomb the heck out of a Brootal squad next turn.
Laser Masters attack the Chain Boi to free the Ranger Captain but roll weakly.
Fortunatly, the other rangers provide additional fire and the Captain cuts herself free.
The rangers drop a rocket onto some Travelers, blasting some of them apart. Unfortunately, the outer blast fails to get any of the Rules Lawyers.
The two uber drivers who have been scooting along the edge of the table drop off their passengers. "looked like they did not have a plan as they drove, five stars."
The All-American Hero takes off with the limping seagull, with RoC on its wing.
It just gets through the portal.
More troops get through the portal as well.
This officer pistol whips the demon's trident in a parry.
The Horseman Hunter tries to get closer to the juicy troop truck but is diverted by a sudden gust of wind.
These guys find some loot at the edge of the Dew Factory.
The Poop Monster prepares to slam the respawned Frobo Swaggins back into the hole he came from.
Success! Frobo is cast back through the portal into a display on the far side of the convention. He begins the long journey home.
Assyrian troops avenge their hero.
The IFV considers the long political history between aoffan and Ninja_Bait, all the twists and turns of their tumultuous relationship.
He chooses violence. Fortunately, Ninja_bait has the best dice luck out of everyone on the table.
The red armoured aliens shoot at the driver of the Baja Blaster. One poor fellow, who has not only dropped his gun so many times the others took it away from him, but also lost a hand to shitgoat arrows, gets his helmet shot off by a compatriot who rolled poorly.
The militia man attempts to rapid fire his pistol at the Marines, but accidentally throws it instead.
The Spessing Guild's orbital strikes drop. Most of them were avoided. One manages to kill two red guys and damage the poop sphincter. I only took pictures of the duds.
The DSMs finish off the rule lawyers.
Zupponn summons more hellhunters.
Dr. Kalcium doots the fuck out of some Immortals.
Warhead challenges Mr. Skeltal to a dance battle.
Both rolling critical sixes, the battle escalates.
However, both of Warhead's selected backup dancers fail him - one has two left feet, the other stands in place snapping his fingers.
As the Immortal forces groan, "Not again..." they are struck by despair and fall to the ground, disrupted.
However, the pilot, who is not allowed to watch reality television, ignores this and chainguns a bunch of bois.
The Brootalz take down the GGE's Dieplane, but Hera bails successfully.
Truceass tricks the Brootalz into a Cash-For-Guns program, but Da Brootalz are just as effective with swords.
Some movement on the side. Da Brootalz now control a side of the table. A short side.
Grimjaw makes a flying leap attempt, despite the low success rate of such feats.
Instead of smashing into the Seagull as planned, he bellyflops onto two dieplane pilots who had successfully bailed earlier.
Devincp is the next Quantumsurfer drawn, and makes a visit to his heroes.
Falk emerges from a Quantumsurfer summoning circle.
"Oh, this shit still."