In the heat of battle, proper medical procedures may sometimes be compromised.
Mike - January 14, 2008 - Battle Reports

Olothontor and Kidko have found a novel use for the BrikWars forums – they organized a live feed for their Saturday battle, each posting photos and play-by-play commentary during their opponent’s turn, allowing the forum audience to watch the battle in progress and comment along the way.

The battle itself is the usual chaotic explosion-packed romp. Although sadly lacking in the obligatory catclysmic world-destroying fireball at the end, the event bodes well for similar exhibitions in the future.

Meanwhile, Moron Studios are back again – this time with a new memeber, Oppo. His inaugral Vikings vs. Skeletons battle, “Almost Agro Arena,” saw more intensive use of the Medik than any battle report to date, including a botched operation towards the end with impressive results.

The Saturday Smash Off thread on the BrikWars Forums
Almost Agro Arena on the Moron Studios site
Is it really proper to use skulls to mark the death of a skeleton?
Mike - December 30, 2007 - Battle Reports

Continuing to make a name for themselves as BrikWars’ fastest-rising war heroes, Moron Studios chalk up yet another battle – this time with Medix!

As always, prepare yourself for photo-edited masterpieces of MS-Paint exposition, as Vikings battle Skeletons, and… more Vikings, eventually.

Mash with Medix on the Moron Studios site
Heavy troopers chop off their own heads in a fit of pent-up rage.
Mike - December 9, 2007 - Battle Reports

The Moron Studios brothers are back again, with a new battle outside their main Brikinville storyline. This time it’s two armies facing off to destroy each others’ Magic Jewel, in a tiny rubble-strewn battlefield on which any fortifications must be built from scratch in the heat of action.

The MS-Paint style arrows and special effects completely make this battle report, more so than any other to date.

Addendum: Although Moron Studios has also created a YouTube version of this battle, I recommend you watch their YouTube video “Didn’t See That Coming” instead, as I believe that it’s the perfect encapsulation of the BrikWars spirit.

Battle For Some Magic Jewels on Moron Studios’ “Others” Page
Moron Studios BrikWars
“Didn’t See That Coming” on YouTube
New Brikinville, the most hobo-filled town in history.
Mike - April 29, 2007 - Battle Reports

Peter writes in to present Moron Studios’ new BrikWars fansite, with reports of their campaigns for the Bird Crown in the towns of Old and New Brikinville.

Billed as “the most hobo-filled town in history,” Brikinsville has been host to a well-documented series of battles between vikings, assassins, the Mithril Knights, the undead, and (you guessed it) hobos. The Moron Studios site is full of photos and reports about the town and its inhabitants, as well as the battles that take place there. The Moron models are especially noteworthy for finding ways to intermix Mega Bloks features and elements into the Lego landscape.

Moron Studios BrikWars