False Orange Transparent

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Discovered in R. 2,010, False OT ABS or Artificial OT ABS (not to be confused with Orange Transparent Clone) is very similar to real OT ABS in color and ability but there is one major difference. This false OT ABS will not withstand the same strain normal OT will. False OT ABS, under particularly strenuous conditions, will potentially explode with astronomical force. Due to this explosive quality, it has been adapted for other teknology, such as high explosive grenades. The only way to tell the OTs apart is in their coloring. Regular OT ABS is a dark orange while the artificial stuff is much lighter in color. Professor Sharkhead is credited with the creation of FOT but his motives for doing so remain a mystery. Speculation runs rampant but, truly, folks are more interested in whether anyone can develop or has developed a FOTC.