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|name=United Peach Liberation Front
[[category:delet this]]
|structure=Underground Resistance Movement
|teklevel=[[Tek Level]] 5 *reduced from 6*
|player= Kastrenzo
|influence= Scattered across the ESS|[[Elkoss Space Sector]]
|allies=[[Peach Resistance Army]]<br/>[[45th Union]] (Affiliated)<br/>[[Octan]] Corp (Military Supplier)
|enemies= [[Galacian Federal Republic]]
The United Peach Liberation Front was a crusade of Independent Peach militants who were most known for their war with the Elkossian Star Empire in G.R 2010 which resulted in the destruction of both sides.
The UPLF started in various systems under the control or influence of the [[45th Union]]. [[President Peachamir Putin]]'s remarks about "peach pride, peach supremacy, etc" inspired countless peach citizens all across the galaxy to band together and go on a warpath, seemingly to impress President Putin. Their onslaught across the galaxy would be referred to as a "Peach Crusade"
==The Peach Crusade==
The UPLF militants amassed a huge army, Using contacts in the Octan corporation and their galaxy wide arms market, The UPLF would buy, lease, steal or otherwise obtain ships, tanks, carriers and other weapons of war for their crusade. Once the leaders of the campaign determined that they were at their strongest, they set out towards the southern spiral, the home of the [[Assyrian Star Empire]],. their first target. However weeks into their journey the advance scouts of the horde had trekked into the [[Elkoss Space Sector]] and reached the Larry system, Territory controlled by the Elkossian Star Republic, a relative newcomer to the galaxy at the time.
The UPLF had set it's sights on the Assyrians, looking to avenge their peach massacres of the past. However the UPLF had only heard rumors of the Assyrians, and had no knowledge of this "Elkossian" faction. The ESR ships bore some resemblance to the descriptions passed down of the Assyrians. Thinking they had reached their target, UPLF scouts reported this information back and then began attacking the systems of Larry and Lazar.
The ESR navy beileved that they were under attack by Pirates, and began scrambling reinforcements. The war in the Lazar and Larry systems escalated into a titanic clash by the time the reinforcements of both sides had arrived. The Peach crusaders were technologically outmatched in almost every way, but had the weight of numbers to it's advantage. At the peak of the war the UPLF outnumbered the ESR 15 to 1. The ESR was forced into full retreat within half a year.
==Hammer Down and Defeat==
in Mid G.R 2012 the ESR had been pushed back to it's homeworld of Elkoss, and had only a single fleet remaining of it's navy. The UPLF prepared to consolidate it's full strength on the planet in what would  become the biblical final showdown of the war. Peach fighters were charging towards the capital and days away from final victory when the enemy launched a suicidal last ditch operation. Dubbed "Operation Hammer Down", the last ships of the ESR navy nuked the planet of Elkoss, killing billions of Peaches and their own citizens alike. The back of the UPLF was utterly broken, and the ESR ground forces turned the tide and declared victory a week later.
While the ESR declared itself victorious, it was obvious that both sides had lost more than they had won. Within a few weeks the ESR completely collapsed and balkanized into countless competing factions. And the UPLF fighters would remain in peach enclaves and outposts throughout the sector. Even the UPLF suffered from it's own balkanization when large remnant groups would disagree on what they wanted next.
==Reconciliation and Resistance==
For all intents and purposes, the war between the UPLF and ESR became a race war. years later after civilization had rebuilt itself in the ESS, The question of peach rights became a controversial subject. The majority of peaches were no longer outright hostile against yellows and were willing to negotiate, while others continued the crusade mindset and wanted nothing but retribution. On the other side, while no longer a unified empire, the successor states of the ESR would take different stances on the issue, Some beileve that the "war" never truly ended and still bare an intense hatred for peaches. Others were tired of the conflict with the peaches and looked for something better to do, in these states peaches found something of an acceptance.
The Galacian Federal Republic, the dominant power of the sector and largely considered to be the legitimate successor to the old government, never signed any sort of treaty with the UPLF at any point after the war. Galacian military forces have continued to hunt UPLF forces across the sector. The UPLF remnants were beaten down considerably by the Galacian military in G.R 2015, and at year's end they were no longer a state of their own but more of an underground resistance movement. They made contact with the Peach Resistance Army, a galaxy wide underground militia network that was aligned with the Peach Liberation Army, 45th Union and United Peach Alliance. The UPLF would become a PRA cell known as the Peach Resistance Army of the ESS, or PRAE. Referred to by their enemies and other neighbors in the sector as simply the "Peach Resistance"
== Military ==
The UPLF had amassed an unbelievably large fighting force in preparation of their crusade. It was one of the largest conventional forces in the galaxy. Their size and strength was attributed almost entirely to the near limitless number of peaches across the galaxy willing to fight for their race's glory. And it was supplied by the Octan corporation, who are willing to sell prefabricated military or civil equipment orders of -any- size to -anyone- in the galaxy. While poorly trained and equipped, the UPLF always had numbers on it's side.
Since being ground down and reduced to an underground resistance cell in the Elkoss space sector, the UPLF have been forced to fight with whatever they can get their hands on.  Since both the defeat of Hammer Down and the persecution that followed it, the statement "Only the Strong Survive" has come to define the Peaches in the sector. Their footsoldiers are reasonably equipped, and have a wealth of experience in fighting much stronger opponents. UPLF resistance maintain a meagre supply of fighting vehicles from the great war days, but have been forced to suppliment their forces with "scrap" vehicles. Tanks, Cars, even guns are built from scraps and garbage scavenged from abroad.

Latest revision as of 15:47, 28 December 2018
