Technocratic Union

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Technocratic Union
Technocratic Union.png
Fascist Nation
Tek Level 6
Various Systems within Uasciri Space
Esoteric Order of Brikgon
Brethrein of Nyarlathobrik
Communo-Fascist Axis
The Imperial Magikstrate
Intermarium Coalition
Notable People
Wilfred Von Bitterlich
Igor the Iconoclaust

Führer Wilfred Von Bitterlich and the Technocratic Union Military line up

The Technocratic Union was a small conglomerate of technology companies that specialized in combat robots. Eager to make a profit off of a potential war to overthrow the Uasciri, They secretly started to meet with House Fang and pledged the support of their killing machines, for a steep price of course. House Fang being of vast wealth thought that any cost to overthrow the Uasciri worth it. The Technocratic Union manufactured thousands upon thousands of killing machines to aid in the was effort. After the victory, Dimitri (new lord of the house), saw the tech conglomerate as the next potential threat. He sent spies to infiltrate different sectors of the conglomerate and spread seeds of doubt. Soon enough the companies ate themselves from within and went out of business. This left systems full of people out of jobs and hopeless. a war hero, Wilfred Von Bitterlich, inspired the hopeless masses and promised to make the people great again. He preached nutzee propraganda which the people ate up and took control of the Technocratic Union where be instilled his Nutzee idealism.

