Monolith characters

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Faction Characters





Status: Alive
Kills:Vaclav (Many Times), Lenskiy (Many times)
Deaths: by Vaclav (Many Times), Lenskiy (Many times)
Artifakts: None to speak of

Sergachev is one of the leaders of the Imperiya faction. Known for being violent, stubborn and unpredictable. He's considered the less pleasant of the two Leaders to deal with. He Frequentley leads combat parties into battle himself as a morale boost. Unlike Varone and most other officers, he doesn't use any special equipment other than his unique armor. Sergachev is referred to as the Mouthy Bureaucrat of the two Imperiya Leaders as he doesn't possess the engineering skill to make much of anything, But is more than willing to make new things with the building blocks made by others.




Status: Alive
Kills:Vaclav (Many Times), Lenskiy (Many times)
Deaths: by Vaclav (Many Times), Lenskiy (Many times)
Artifakts: None to speak of

Varone is the second of the Imperiya's two leaders. He is arguably the better fighter of the two, but does it less often. Deciding to let his partner take the spotlight while he can run things from the shadows. Varone is rarely seen on the field of battle, but when he is it's sudden and surgical strike designed to make their enemies look like chumps. He also commands all of the Faction's special forces groups.
None listed



Senior Commander

Status: Alive
Kills:Lenskiy (Twice)
Deaths: None
Artifakts: None to speak of

Tachenko was already much larger than the average minifig when he was a Mid-Ranking officer in the Imperiya Armiya. One day in a fight against Armata he suffered a horrific injury that scarred his face, except he's never died.. And now walks the plates encased in a huge suit of power armor and a huge gun...

He became most famous however, When during a campaign in the Beta cluster, he subdued captured and imprisoned Lenskiy, the then Leader of Bratva and brother to Vaclav. Taking out the Imperiya's biggest enemy at the head instantly earned him a promotion to Senior Officer. Granting him the ability to wage his own campaigns and wars at his own descretion. While the Imperiya often promotes the ideas of Security and Stability, Tachenko is a reminder of the Imperiya's restraint. as he frequentley leads assaults into militarized zones and flattens them like a force of nature... Tachenko attacks with full force. Full armor platoons, Fleet support, weapons of mass destruction and worse... He's credited with multiple Victories against Bratva, Armata and the Black Legion.. Destroying multiple forts and outposts.




Senior Commander

Status: Alive
Kills:Vaclav x1
Deaths: by Vaclav (Many Times)
Artifakts: None to speak of


Doppelganger Shulga

Shulga "The Double"

Senior Commander
Psionik Master

Status: Alive
Deaths: Unknown
Artifakts: None to speak of


Vorhut Order


Molokh is a dead Demigod who created the Order of the Flame, a fanatical religious order dedicated to the eradication of everything that was unholy... to Molokh.. He was Ended sometime in the past by another unknown Demigod. The Militant wing of the religion or cult, known as Vorhut. Lives to this day and wages war in accordance with his Teachings




Vaclav is the Leader of Bratva, originally an officer in the Old Alliance, he founded the faction during the Alliance's collapse. After winning a number of early victories against the much larger Imperiya, he attracted many veterans and ex-officers of rival groups into his group. Known for leading troops into battle personally. He Uses a yellow beamsaber, black body armor and is seen on the field with a gold visor.

Vaclav's biggest test came at the hands of the Black Legion during the time of the fighting in Basil. He and Pracka organized a temporary alliance that was originally supposed to be against the Imperiya for repeatedly ruining the fights between others... But their focus shifted to the Legion after multiple acts of grief and terror committed by them

Black Legion


Chernobog is a mythical deity worshipped by the Black Legion, he is known as the Dark God, and the Great Destroyer. The Damned slaughter, destroy and enslave in his name.


Charon is the Warlord of the Black Legion Warband of the Damned. His origins are unknown, and he often delegates duties and leadership to lesser officers in his group. He is an avid collector of Artifakts, and personally attended an attack on the city of Anwar in which he managed to seize both the Null Rod and the Pulsar. Afterward Charon was lured into a trap by Vaclav with the use of the Dramacron, the trap involved the Administrators attempting to arrest Charon and imprison him for all eternity for his terrorist actions... Instead he used the Glass Soul to teleport one of his Champions, Kain to his Aid. Armed with a dark energy sword, Kain Destroyed the Administrators and Vaclav's forces were routed.


Kain is a Champion, or Officer of the Black Legion. Considered to be the second in command of the Warband, he is Charon's personal executioner. He wields a dark energy sword and is used to terrorize the foes of the Legion, The sword being one of few weapons that can permanatley kill a minifig from the plates, regardless of the Lazarus Effect.

Armata Alliance


Svoboda Clan




Unaffiliated Characters


Shulga Prime


Anshe is the leader of the Anwar Administration. Along with Her subordinates Torley, and Li

All three were Ended by Kain on Basil with a Dark Energy weapon.


Basil Bob

"Basil" Bob is an odd individual who appears to have a special power of his corpse being teleported back to the Basil Plate within minutes of dying. Unlike Minifigs having new bodies cloned at an L-Gate, Bob's body dissapears and reappears after dying.

Bob was a participant in the 1st Battle for Basil where he was crushed to death by his own truck. He came back a few days later and was a bystander during the Anwar Incident

Outsider Characters

Declan Remus