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"Bozon: The Farce-Carrying Clown Partikle," original printing

Bozons, the so-called "Clown Particles," are mythikal Farce-carrying particles proposed by theo-heretikal farsicists in an attempt to reconcile the absurdative effects of ABS with the universal Farce. While the scientific community at large insists that it has completed their Theory of Everything, these farcisists disregard them anyway as mad scientists, joining forces with those who try to square circles.

Proving the existence of Bozons is enormously difficult, as though the laws of physiks itself were trolling BrikVerse scientists. The most advanced research is conducted by SpaceMan scientists using Large HateTron Colliders to smash inhabited planets together at near-lightspeed in the hope of creating a humorous event concentrated enough to finally provide evidence of their existence.