Trattorian Planets

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This a compilation of descriptions of important Trattorian locations. Maybe one day I'll split it into separate pages, but for now I find it more convenient to combine them all into one page.

Principium System

Principium star system
Type: Single star system
Worlds: 6 planets (1 in the habitable zone, 3 gas giants)
Notable Locations: Trattoria
Population: 6 billion (5 billion on Trattoria, rest in orbit and other planets)

The Principium System is the capital star system of the Meritocratic Republic of Trattoria. At its center lies an A-type main-sequence blue star. As this type of star only lives for a few hundred million years, Trattorian scientists constantly try to find artificial methods of lengthening its lifespan. Six planets orbit Principium. One is a hot lava planet with a dense, toxic atmosphere, home only to automated mining outposts. The next is the homeworld, Trattoria itself. The next three are gas giants with automated resource skimmers in their atmospheres and leisure space station resorts in orbit. The last is a far-out planet largely made of diamond and covered in ice, host to several colony cities and large Sekai Union mining stations.

Principium is one of three systems in the 1st Legislative district and Legislator elections over its representation are fierce. Although not as heavily militarized as the Doctrinum star system, Principium maintains a massive naval presence (in addition to the one orbiting Trattoria itself) and will fire on undocumented foreign ships without hesitation. The system is also the approximate geometric center of Trattoria's roughly disc-shaped territory.

Trattoria (homeworld)

The original colonists that established the nation of Trattoria found the barren planet of Trattoria and terraformed it into the beautiful capital it is today. For centuries it has held the governmental and economic power of the star nation. The Lagrange star juggernaut as well as the rest of the massive Sector 1 home defense fleet hold a permanent post in orbit over Trattoria. A massive grid consisting of thousands of Helios and Lelantos orbital defense platforms, one of the largest in the BrikVerse, bolsters the homeworld’s defense. Alongside these military installations orbit numerous Huygens luxury Stanford torus stations. Developed more out of vanity than necessity, these gated communities in space serve as vacation homes or offices for those who want to look down upon their groundside counterparts.

A view of Trattoria's iconic Conselia skyline and the Bureaucracy Tower.

Four major cities have developed planetside: Conselia, Corpora, Aeraria, and Eruditia.

Conselia is the capital city of the Meritocratic Republic of Trattoria, home to the nation’s many government buildings and offices. Of particular note is the Bureaucracy Tower, the headquarters and offices of the executive branch. The building towers several hundred stories over even its neighboring supertall skyscrapers. Other important locations include the Concilium (the offices and meeting chamber of the Legislature), the Supreme Tribunal, and the Decagon (the headquarters of the armed forces).

Corpora is a hub of many Trattorian corporate headquarters, including those of Virgin Group, Acelera Pharmaceuticals, BlueGene Inc., and Sekai Union. Darwin St. in particular has become synonymous with Trattoria’s medical industry, given the row of Trattorian biotech firms with headquarters along said boulevard.

Aeraria is the home of Trattoria’s stock exchange and financial markets, second only the USA’s NYSE. Here, many Trattorian investors and stockbrokers make split-second trades and decisions both in-person and with the help of advanced quantum AIs. Even Trattoria’s standard FTL instantaneous quantum entanglement internet cannot satiate the brokers’ need for a fast connection, and investment firms often contract Trattorian engineers to concoct new and experimental data relays between Aeraria and Corpora.

Finally, Eruditia is the home to many prominent Trattorian universities and educational institutions. The most famous of these is the Trattorian Technological Institute, a university that has attained the rank of number one college in the BrikVerse, beating out USA’s Harvard and Britannia’s Bloxford. Many of Trattoria’s elite have received education here.

All cities on planet Trattoria are connected with mass-transit Hyperloop vacuum-tube maglevs, capable of traversing an antipodal route in 5-10 minutes. The rest of Trattoria consist of grassy meadows, beaches, or oceans well-suited for the wealthy to build expansive mansions and golf courses. The climate is kept pleasant and temperate year-round via climate-control and other technologies. These similarly prevent natural disasters (which would be catastrophic to Trattoria’s glass architecture).

A single moon orbits Trattoria, home to a few military installations and trading outposts. Aside from a few resorts and small bubble cities, it remains mostly undeveloped.

Doctrinum System

Doctrinum star system
Type: Binary star system
Worlds: 1 planet (1 in the habitable zone)
Notable Locations: Soledad
Population: 3.5 billion (mostly on Soledad, small amounts in spacial facilities and on asteroids)

The Doctrinum star system, located near the Trattorian core, is the single most militarized system in the Trattorian empire. The system is mostly surrounded by advanced FTL jammers with the exception of a single entry checkpoint and is inaccessible through any public means. All foreign ships entering will be shot without hesitation, and all staff with Level 3 clearance or below must obtain permission and documentation to enter the system with at least 6 hours advance notice. Doctrinum is often the testing ground for experimental or limited-production ships, many of which can be found patrolling the system for intruders.

The system itself is a binary star system (consisting of the stars Doctrinum α and Doctrinum β). Its single planet Soledad orbits both of them, accompanied only by a massive cloud of shattered planetoids. Although there was once another planet in the system, a rogue physics experiment accidentally destroyed it.


Soledad's surface is marked by massive particle accelerator rings.

Soledad is the scientific center of the Trattorian empire. It is where the majority of the Science Department works and has many laboratories developing experimental technologies. Of note are the planet’s massive particle accelerator rings, visible even from space. A massive planet-wrapping particle accelerator ring was also constructed in orbit on orders from Chief Scientist Dr. Liang. Although some Helios and Lelantos orbital defense platforms are visible, the full extent of Soledad’s military defense is unknown- much of the naval catalogue is classified and undeclared. One example is an orbital grid of Scranton Reality Anchors, a secret known only to the Council of Scientists.

The entire planet is coated with stealth material, making it difficult to detect even after entering the system. Although suitable for life, Soledad’s barren and deserted surface is a rather unpleasant environment according to Trattorian scientists. Regardless, the planet remains the most technologically-advanced in the nation.

Concordium System

Concordium star system
Type: Single star system
Worlds: 8 planets (3 in the habitable zone, 4 gas giants)
Notable Locations: Unicité
Population: 9 billion (4 billion on Unicité, rest in orbit and other planets)

Concordium is an outer-core/mid-rim system. Noteworthy for its large amount of habitable planets, Concordium has become an agricultural center, shipping food to the rest of the empire. Although not as militarized as Principium or Doctrinum, Concordium does maintain a sizable naval presence in the form of the Sector 3 home defense fleet.


A view of a city on Unicité.

If Trattoria directs the economic policy and finances of the empire, then Unicité primarily executes them. The planet is home to many industrial centers and bustles with secondary sector activity such as manufacturing and production. Contrary to expectations, the planet Unicité is noted for its greenery and harmony with nature, even in its cities. Its stereolithography factories produce little pollution and operate very cleanly. One of Unicité’s two moons has been terraformed into a lush tropical paradise while a project is currently underway to terraform the other one. Ten massive space elevators jut from Unicité’s surface to transport its goods for trade throughout and beyond the empire.

Commercium System

Commercium star system
Type: Single star system
Worlds: 3 planets (1 gas giant)
Notable Locations: Contrôleia
Population: 1.5 billion (mostly in orbital facilities)

Commercium is the terminus of the Trattorian-Assyrian trade route that connects the nation to the rest of the Nehellium Galaxy. All foreigners are vetted through a thorough system of background checks and an obstructive visa process before they are permitted to schedule a trip into the Trattorian empire. All inbound and outbound cargo is stopped and inspected in orbital stations over the planet Contrôleia before proceeding to their destinations- this is to prevent illegal immigration, terrorist attacks, and smuggling of contraband or patented goods. If any ship becomes uncooperative in the scanning and inspection process, Commercium central control can immediately erect a no-fly zone over the system. Many trading outposts have sprung up in orbit and even on the inhospitable planets.

Due to the nature of the system, the Sector 5 home defense fleet is on permanent standby in Commercium with immediate access to the Sector 4 fleet if reinforcements become necessary. The trade route can also be severed using FTL jamming technologies if invasion becomes an inevitable prospect.