For Great Justice, Part 1: Tower of Justice Round Four

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Extras: Each team earns +1 CP at the end of Round Four. The Warden’s Initiative Offer stands for this round only.


Grey Turn 4a, Originally Hidden

The Grey in the Orange/Blue Corner sprints forward and phases through the hallway wall leading into the first room, bypassing it altogether. Two Ninjas are revealed, patiently standing guard over the Stasis Chamber in the room. They do not notice the Grey.


Grey Turn 4b, Originally Hidden

He reappears in the other adjoining hallway and discovers the sub-boss for this area, an Oni astride a Demon Bear. Luckily for the Grey, the Oni does not seem to notice him either. It seems involved with sword practice.


Grey Turn 4c, Originally Hidden

The Grey ends his move squarely between the two enemies. One false move and it’ll all be over for him. The remaining Greys reserve their actions.


Blue Turn 4a

Blue Android decides he has had enough of lesser warriors and yells, “THIS! IS! BRIKWARS!” while leaping and booting the Red Pirate high into the air and down into the Impossibly Deep Pit. No one really knows what he’s talking about but the only one left to care in the next few moments will be his Medik.


Blue Turn 4b

The man grins inside his helmet, enjoying his boss’ enthusiasm, leaps over the chasm, and fires a blaster bolt directly through the Pirate Captain’s face.


Blue Turn 4c

Blue Android finishes his prodigious leap at the computer terminal and uses his move action to activate it. He spends 4 CP and gains Upgrade: SuperNatural d6!


Grey Turn 4d, Response to Blue, Originally Hidden

A Grey moves carefully into the hallway behind Blue Team. He goes unnoticed.


Pirates Turn 4

FireBeard moves easily through the flames in the room. It appears he is immune to fire! He flexes his fist and a massive burst of flame shoots upward. He is, sadly, too far away to do anything with it yet.


Grey Turn 4e, Response to Orange, Originally Hidden

The Grey in the tight spot at Orange/Green Corner notices the Spies start to move ahead before the Foresters. Knowing he’ll be caught (and only because the orders specifically stated he was trying to avoid Orange’s detection), he thinks fast and phases into the crates nearby. It’s not a perfect solution; if anything, he’s in a tighter spot now than before. On the plus side, he discovers +2 CP hidden in the crates!


Orange Turn 4a

Orange Spy sees a flicker of movement up ahead. She sprints forward and leaps sideways into the open air beyond the corridor corner. She draws a bead on Master Splinter and fires a single, perfect shot.


Orange Turn 4b

Green’s Medik screams, “Watch out, Master Splinter!” and leaps full body into the path of the projectile. It explodes through his body, soaking the Master in gore, and his corpse drops lifeless to the steel floor.


Orange Turn 4c

Orange Spy lands in a side barrel roll and comes up approximately behind cover. The rest of Orange Team legs it down their corridor, trying to keep up with their leader. Pathfinder proves to be the better sprinter.


Yellow Turn 4a

Snake Yellow tries out his new bow on his old enemy. The bow is finely crafted and Snake’s strength is genetically boosted. He overskills and fires a gleaming arrow with all the force of a hammer blow delivered by a giant. His target, the violet snake, is ready and his magic staff springs up a forcefield directly in the path of the arrow. He gets a bonus die on his armor roll!


Yellow Turn 4b

The arrow slams into the shield and shatters it, a brief, shining moment of ultimate offense versus seemingly ultimate defense passing under the sheer weight of Snake Yellow’s attack. Violet’s torso is ripped in half by the shot, somehow, and is thrown across the room.


Yellow Turn 4c

Snake moves across to the Computer Console and prepares to use it to open the Stasis Chamber. Mr. Daggers and Shield Medik rush the opening and take positions at its corners, preparing response fire should the other thugs come near.

You'll be able to summon your bro next turn. Friendly reminder: you can give up your move action as well to spend CP and equip him when he comes out of the Stasis Chamber. Supposing you want something you don't already have. Your looting has been most successful.


Yellow Turn 4d

Yellow’s shotgunner decides to net Yellow Team some CP and blows two crates away. He earns +2 CP.


Yellow Turn 4e

Satisfied, he moves into the hallway leading toward the others.


Grey Turn 4f

The Grey at Green/Yellow Corner moves quietly and phases through the wall leading to the hallway Yellow’s shotgunner just entered.


Grey Turn 4g

He reaches out and snatches the reptile, pulling him into the wall!


Grey Turn 4h

The Grey lets go, and with his phasic influence no longer affecting the shotgunner, the yellow is cut in half, the lower half of his body sliding slowly down the wall.

Hidden Faction is Revealed! Scratch controls the Greys.

While the transparency thing has been fun, I think we'll switch over to Scout rules now. Grey's turns will be posted later or when they are visible. Transformerj, don't worry, you should be coming in soon enough.


Thugs Turn 4a and Yellow Response 4f

The two remaining prison thugs rush Yellow Team. They only get a few steps before Mr. Daggers’ and the Medik’s response fire cuts one of them to ribbons.


Thugs Turn 4b

The sole remaining thug finishes his charge into the Medik, slamming his bat against the Medik’s shield.


Green Turn 4a

Green’s shotgunner moves carefully around the corner and tries to open fire on one of the Robots. His gun clicks empty. Master Splinter gives him a brief look of disappointment before showing him how it’s really done.


Green Turn 4b

The shifter leaps forward and off the top of his pathfinder’s skull, landing amid the Robots in a furious whirlwind of clawed destruction.


Green Turn 4c

As he stops spinning, the Robots are blown apart in spectacular, synchronous explosions. Master Splinter is too cool to look at them.


Green Turn 4d

The Pathfinder picks up his hat, again, and moves across the trap’s threshold. He takes an action to make sure the others know how to cross it too.


Round Four Overview A


Round Four Overview B


Round Four Overview C

Overview Stats

Blue Team



Android Body 3

Upgrade: SuperNatural d6


Android: AutoGun (1 Handed), Sword

Medik: Medik Tool, Pistol

Pathfinder Corpse: 2 Swords

Kill Table

3 Kills (1 of them Friendly Fire)

2 Deaths (1 of them to Friendly Fire, 1 to Redshirt)

Orange Team



Map Dominance


Spy: Pistol, Saber

Medik: Medik Tool, Pistol

Shotgunner: ShotGun

Pathfinder: 2 Sabers

Kill Table

1 Kills

0 Deaths

Yellow Team



Poison Shiv 3


Snake: Fang Dagger (Sheathed), Longbow

Medik: Medik Tool (Holstered), Shield, Pistol

Shotgunner Corpse: ShotGun

Pathfinder: Dagger, Pistol

Kill Table

4 Kills

1 Deaths

Green Team



Fleet Foresters


Master Splinter: Crossbow, Claw

Medik Corpse: Medik Tool, Crossbow

Shotgunner: ShotGun

Pathfinder: 2 Axes

Kill Table

2 Kills

1 Deaths

Grey Team


Unknown CP

Phasic SuperNatural Dice


Grey: Unknown

Grey: Unknown

Grey: Unknown

Grey: Unknown

Kill Table

1 Kills

0 Deaths

Previous: Round Three Next: Round Five