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Revision as of 20:27, 8 February 2019

Opener at Vígríðr Prime

Vígríðr Prime,

Fimbulvetr City,

Day 39 of Ragnablok, 1600 Hours…

Opener at Vígríðr Prime Overview A 001.png

Opener at Vígríðr Prime Overview B 002.png

The Dwarves of the broken Jörmangandr clan, having barely survived the apocalypse that swept through the Devoid Sector in the form of a green tide, have pieced together their best and brightest and sent them ahead in what was called the Lazarus Initiative. Now, it is called Valbrand’s Charge. Equipped with the creation and destruction energies of their lost Plot Device SHIP surging through their veins and their weapons, they hope to gain some measure of revenge on the endless horde of Ragnablok. The endtimes have come but Dwarves aren’t put down easy.

Opener at Vígríðr Prime Overview C 003.png

Commander Valbrand: “There they are at last! Fire! Let the bastards know we’ve arrived!”

The Einherjar take up position and get the horde’s attention.

Opener at Vígríðr Prime Overview D 004.png

Grunt: “It’s dem Dorfs, Bawz! Dem wot we slaughtered on dat big ship! Dey ain’t stay ded!”

BigBawwz ShoGunn: “Well, wot you standin’ around for, ya git? Light em up, Waaauggh!”

The gruntz and the BigBoy turn and begin firing wildly, despite being out of range.

Opener at Vígríðr Prime Overview E 005.png

To the south are ruins which each contain Crates.

Crates are useful things that can be used to do one of two of the following things: 1) Call in Reinforcements or 2) Discover an Heroic Artifakt if you haven’t discovered one already.

Opener at Vígríðr Prime Overview F 006.png

To the North are ruins which each contain a Golden Loot Chest left behind by accident by the sweeping Brootal Hordes.

Claim the chest and get a prize, be it a new weapon or a piece of armor. It’s a roll of the dice but you might get something good.