Immortal War

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"I was asked for a little more detail as to some of the background of the events leading up to the Immortal War, here's what I replied." - Warhead

From: Warhead

To: Azshuran Empire

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:11 pm

Subject: Re: the Azure guard

If you're sure you really want to know.

Here goes...

After discovering the existence of the Brikverse the Immortals in secret sent a fifth column force through first that secretly made contact with many of the Brikverse denizens posing as weapons traders. They judged who were the most suitable to their needs for alliances and who where the most likely to defy them. They laid their plans and made their alliances in secret. They then ran supplies and weapons to the disaffected populations and gained their help in organising an uprising throughout the Empires of the stronger nations (Gamma Corps, Assyria, Sythia etc...) The battle Zombie (Zulu) Dawn was part of that.

They then sent a vast vanguard fleet commanded by Warhead (sif-fig) to gain a foothold in the Brikverse. The system FICO was a heavily defended system but fell to the surprise attack in days. Warhead was beheaded during the fighting but survived? Instead of dying his personality was splintered throughout the Brikverse and each grew into another Warhead. (Off shoot story: This was to justify why Warhead was appearing in everyone's battles but these splinters seek to conquer and reform by killing all the other splinters... split personalities, what's a mini-fig to do?) Anyway, the Immortal invasion destroys FICO entirely and starts using the debris to build a gigantic shipyard building infrastructure and system defences. They declare their intention of Brikverse conquest and their allies announce their allegiance to the cause in the hopes of furthering their own goals.

Despite many raiding forces in strength, the Immortals haven't broken out from FICO or taken any other systems, yet. Also, the Emperor with the main fleet has still to arrive.

The rest should be on the wiki.

And now you know...

The Immortal War

The Immortal War, a massive conquest campaign by The Immortal Empire, began recently in R. 2,010 as the Immortals took the home planet of the Elmagnifico called Fico from the Gamma Corps and have been amassing an army and ships for a breakout attempt. Their agents in the form of weapons traders contacted the neighboring and further flung Star Empires with lots of new Immortal TechTM and sounded them out as allies or potential enemies as well as weighing up their capabilities as a Military/Economic threat. Obviously, this aggressive build up of ships and men wouldn't go unnoticed and the whole region is in turmoil as thoughts turn to the war that is in full swing.

See also:

Battles of the Immortal War

Timeline of the Immortal War


Envoys, meetings, and all that foreshadowing crap between battles.

Welcome to the Immortal Alliance

"If you would all turn to page 4001 of your "Welcome to the Immortal Alliance" pamphlet you will read edict 40:1:02a, and 40:1:02b...

Excerpt from Welcome to the Immortal Alliance

40:1:02a - The Immortals are sensitive to internecine wars between allied nations and will deal with all such situations with a refined over the centuries no-nonsense approach...

I think it was the Emperor himself that said it best in the first such instance...

The Immortal Emperor, R. 1,980: "...We know where you live..."

The edict goes on to say...

Those Nations found instigating old grudges in such a fashion as to harm Immortal interests and are identified as the guilty party then the lives of the ruling caste of that nation are forfeit as are their military High Command. If there should be any resistance it will be met with extreme prejudice at the hands of ALL the allied nations and the Capital planet will be razed. If one side can not be identified as the guilty nation then both suffer the same fate.

40:1:02b - IF however the nations involved fail to desist and hostilities continue then the people of that nation will suffer the same fate as their leaders as in 40:1:02a. As it is considered that if the rulers were weak and so have been executed but the situation persists, then the problem must be the people and the weakness inherent to that race and therefore extermination is the only recourse.

Obviously the Immortals take this sort of shenanigans very seriously"

Diplomacy in action

Karetsu: Background and stuff


Immortal Diplomacy

Oath of Fealty

Envoys of the Immortal War

Alliances & Forces

Small Force: - This may also include large organizations that prefer to attack in small numbers.

Host/Uprising:- This includes minority groups across an Empire in various planets or a large scale army.

NPC/NPR: - Owned/created by a player as a second nation, often in opposition to their main faction. These are sometimes open for others to play or use in Forum Battles.

For the Immortal Empire

The Immortal Empire - (Warhead) Dominion Empire

Britannian League (NPC - Lord Cromwell: Grand Admiral of the Black - Warhead, High Lord deSilva Admiral of the Yellow - Silverdream, High Lady ??? Admiral of the White - White Nun, High Lord Blackdog Admiral of the Blue - Theblackdog) - Cosmopolitan- Vast Empire - Free Trade situated in the middle of Brikverse converging all major trade routes. In a War with the Scythian Empire and Arms race of agression with the Assyrian Star Empire.

VOL (Tuefish) - Military Alliance - Empire

Time Travelling Super Jews (Cpt. Zipps) - Military Alliance - Empire

Akkadian Empire of Ultra-Badassery (Piltogg) - Military Alliance - Empire

Praetorian Empire (Dilanski) Military Alliance - Empire

The Tyronian Empire (Lt. Krus) - Military and Trade Alliance - Empire

Inquistadores (Bragallot) - Military and Trade Alliance - Empire

Hammersmith Empire - (Ham701) - Military Alliance - Empire

MAOX - (BFenix) - Military Alliance - Empire

Iron Golems - (NPC, Warhead) - Pledged Immortal Mercenaries - Small Empire

Trorc of Planet Kurvinia 6 (Lordofdragonss) - Trade/Military Alliance - Small Empire

Noob Crushers (samuelzz10) - Military Alliance Small Empire

The Glacier PMC (Tunasailor) - Military Alliance (Merc Force) Small Empire

Space Vikings (OneEye) - Military Alliance (Small Empire used for raids)

Coalition of Ajax-4 (RunsWithLego) - Military Alliance (Small Empire)

The Nobodies - (Naussica) - Military Alliance - Small Empire?

UNDF- (MasterEcabob) - Military Alliance - Small Empire - SUFFERING INTERNAL STRIFE - CIVIL WAR!!!

Tanaris Confederacy - (OREMAWESOME) - Military Alliance - Small Empire?

M.A.S.S. - (mgb519) - Military Alliance - Small Empire

Crimson Dawn - (Alex) - Small Empire

Shady Mercenaries - (The Honorable Leprechaun/Ex-Lep) - (Merc Infiltration Force, present at Fico)

Slashbob Slaughterpants and the bikini bottom death brigade (Silent-Sigfig - Merc Terror Force - HIRED BY IMMORTALS

The Universal Union - (501stCadians) - (Merc Raiding Force)

Survival Union - (Sloopofwar) - Medium Raiding Force, Conditional

Mad-Evils - (NPC - Massam) Military Alliance (Small raiding force)

Manly Men Brigands (NPC, Warhead) (Small Merc Force) MFS is now a member of The Immortal Family. 1st to be Immortalized in the Brikverse

Blacklist Mercinaries - (Lt Krus) Military Alliance for a fee - Small mercenary force

Green Rangers of Greeentoppol - (RunsWithLego) - Small Force

Atomic Unlimited - (GrafZeppelin) - The Count + Small Force?

Zupponn Minning Co - (Zupponn) - Merc Force - HIRED BY IMMORTALS - Astro-mining black ops.

Ordo Orientium Flagrans - (Rev. Sylvanus) - Small Force (one planet) - HIRED BY IMMORTALS

ShapeShifter (ShapeShifter) - Amusing Cannon Fodder - Himself

Stoned and Drunk Mini-Fig haphazard Co-Op (Rody) - Just him and a few pals, in it for the luls... and bar snacks.

Against the Immortal Empire

The Anti-Immortal Alliance

The Great Scythian Empire (Shadowscythe) - Vast Empire

The Gamma Corps (Elmagnifico) - Owned the first system to fall and lost the planet Fico. Battle to be done after ZZD. - Fractured Vast Empire

United Systems Alliance - (Silent-SigFig ) Vast (Democratic/Capitalist) Vast Empire

Assyrian Star Empire (Natalya) - (Advanced High Tech) - Own Agenda. Vast Empire.

The Arillian Commonwealth - (Dragonfire666666) - Large Empire

The Military of United Nations (aka Trattorians, same ol' shit different name) (PandoraNuker, Pedochild) - Large Inter-Galactic Empire

Halkron Imperuim - (james+burgundy) - Empire

The Empire of Briktopia (Apollyon) - Empire

FELC (Ross_Varn) - Immortal Termination Order for former alliance with Immortals, Empire

AN android nation (Fredde) - Own Agenda, Large Empire

Silvarian Empire - (Silvadream) - Empire

Larscorp.® Industries - (Sizz-lor) - Corporate Empire - Weapons/Arms Dealers

The U.S. - (Alex) - Empire

The Republic of Inependent Nations - (Robot Monkey) Vast Empire - Bitter grudge against Immortal Invasion.

Diver Dudes - (NPR - Massam) - (Small Raiding Force) - Small Empire

Lesser Spacemen - (Sloopofwar) - Small Empire

M.U/Space Gangsters/Peaches of Ajax-4: - (RunsWithLego) - Small Empire

The evil corrupt slavers of Albion - (Magic Soap) - Small Empire

The Etruscan Kingdom of Pasta - (Jbgarrison) - Pro-Peach + Anti-Immortal, Small Empire

Galaxian Colonies of Razgrizia Armed Forces (Razgriz - 25th Inf) - Small Empire

Paladin Corps - (Enders_Shadow) - Small Empire.

Alliance Special Forces (Subyrally) Small Merc SpecOp Force

Post Apoc Survivors (Massam) mAd MaX sAm (Small Raiding Force, Survivors from the fall of Fico AND the Britannian Planet Praetoria)

The Duck Ninjas - (Paco, didn't know what else to call them) - Small force.

Sir Bragallot - (Bragallot) - (Very Small Raiding Force)

Other Forces

Also covers Nations/Forces waiting to see what happens or Mercenaries that can join FOR or AGAINST at any time.

Ancient Worlds - (Many Players) - Many worlds haven't the technology or where-with-all to participate in the Immortal War unaided. That isn't to say they can't contribute as a steady supply of soldiers is always welcome. These planets are all scattered, have no way to contribute purposefully and are hopelessly unconnected and dispirit from one another but together would be considered a Dominion in itself.

NEGA-VERSE: A chaotic doppelganger parallel to the Brikverse, one day there shall be a reckoning. - Dominion

Deadly Spacemen (NPC but mostly a fractured group so it's anyone's guess) - Fractured Vast Empire - Own Agenda - Xenophobic, Mercs for Hire

The Swarm - (Asterios) - Vast Empire - Single minded xenophobic, they will consume all living forms in order to increase their numbers. No discussion no negotiation. Consume or die! - Kill on sight.

The BIN (Ross_Varn) - Large Empire

EMPIRE UNKNOWN (Warman45) - Empire - Own Agenda - Isolationist Xenophobic

Vergilius Raskolnikov - (Arkbrik) - Empire - Own Agenda, Tyrant

Space Commies (NPC - Cpt. Zipps) - Empire - Own Agenda

UPA (OneEye) - Fractured Empire - Isolationist

Fenian Raiders (SilvaDream) - Empire (Always Against Britannian) Own Agenda

RAG(formerly Glacier PMC) - (Tunasailor) - Empire

The Neo-Prussian Empire - (Braggalot) - Small Empire

Star Daemons (NPC - Warhead - played by IVHorseman in ZZD) - Own Agenda, Mercs for Hire - Small Empire

UFAS - (Ranger S2H) - Still Debaiting - Small Empire

Czecho-Slovenian Republik (Natalya) - Small Empire - Successfully revolted against ASE

Iceworld Of Krysto (IVHorseman) - Small Empire? (Psychotic) Up yours and eat my OTC like a Bitch Agenda. Hate Akkadians!

Army of the Damn Tech (Undead) - (PrimalAge) - Own Agenda, Small Empire

The Confederate Legion - (Olothontor) - Small Empire, Heavily Industrialized Infrastructure, site of some of the most advanced and extensive shipyards. Produces some of the best fleet units that exists.

Consortium (trebnos1) - Small Merc Empire? Own agenda, will hire out to any side in this war.

Space Rastafariens - (Silent Sig-Fig) - Small Smuggler Empire, will hire out to who ever they please at the time, so long as the pay is good.

The Free Enterprises - (Ogle) - Empire - LEFT TO DO OTHER THINGS, LIKE THEIR HAIR (And nails. Can't forget those manicures, ladies!).

Republic of Mauros (Cpl. Halan) - Small Empire, Gamma Corps Ally but now wishing to take on all comers, prone to psychotic episodes.

The Armorian Alliance - (Solvess) - Own Agenda, Small empire

Al-Kind-of (Capt Zipps) Xenophobic, Own Agenda -Small Empire

The Anachronists - (Alex) - Small Empire - Mostly harmless

The Wanderers-(Ogel)- Neutral Empire, as yet no side has given them reason to join.

Originators - (Asterios) - Ancient and mysterious race that can be arrogant and pompous to the younger races. To all other races they're like your dad when you where a teenager, that man is such a goober! - Small Empire as they're in decline?

The White Crusaders - (Sizz-lor) - Fledgling Empire, very small

Paladins against the Peaches - (NPC - beluga AKA: Pandoranuker, PedoNuker, PedoChild) - Hates Trattorian Empire and peaches, sworn to ignore immortal war and only focus on killing the peach race and its allies, Small Empire. If seen both forces will kill on sight.

Zombie Lincoln and the Danse Macabre. (NPR - Warhead) - Vast Horde Uprising spanning many systems- Own Agenda, Xenophobic

Dimmies of BoB (NPR) Vast Horde Uprising spanning many systems - Own agenda

Blokbots- (NPR, Sloopofwar) -Vast Horde Uprising spanning many systems - Own agenda.

Civilians- (RunsWithLego) - Vast Horde - to be found everywhere, desperate for help and constantly getting in the way of bullets.

The Shard (NPR - Ross_Varn) - Small Force - Own Agenda

The Azure Guard (NPR - Warhead) - Small Force - Own Agenda - Xenophobic

Adamas Ranger Corps Delta (Ranger S2H) - Small Force - Gunrunning and Technology Espionage for Hire

The Pirates of Charybdia (NPR, Arkbrik) - Merc Force for Hire

The Cowboy Bandits (Kiemaster) Small raiding Force for Hire.

The MEC (White Ops) - (aoffan23) - Small Force

Space Ninjas (NPR - Natalya) - Small Force

Gludavian Raiders (NPR - Natalya) - Small Force - Raiders, Anti-Assyrian Agenda

Robomas interstellar DOOMacrats - (RunsWithLego) - Small Force (Trades in Dial'O'Death weapons)

DroidCo - (RunsWithLego) - Small Force, Own Agenda

The Order - (Candlejack Alt) - Peach Haters, Small Elite Force?

Athraithes/the P.M.S.R.T - (Solvess) - Peach Haters, Small Force

Squidhead Dominion - (Swordsalmon) - Small Empire, up for negation and deal-striking

Zupponn Mining Co.** - (Zupponn) - Merc Force and/or Miners for Hire

Kraken Guard - (Asterios) Playboy Mercs for hire: They're in it for the Drama, money isn't important, they have principles and stuff.

Crystalline - (Evz)

Grimfrost Empire

Oknorian Alliance