Now you not only get to have an M4 carbine - you get to choose your favorite style of M4 carbine. We've entered a BrikWars golden age!
Mike - September 17, 2006 - Brick Links

Just a few months ago, brickfans looking for modern weaponry for their minifigs were out of luck. Then, in the space of a few weeks, we suddenly had new weapons coming in from all directions – and now we suffer from what is almost an embarrassment of riches.

I’ve just received a shipment of Little Armory’s new military weapons (along with the long-awaited release of their medieval Great Helm), close on the heels of BrickArms’ similar assortment a few weeks earlier. The Little Armory molds are as awesome and detailed as I’ve come to expect, no surprises there; but now that we’ve suddenly got multiple options, which guns are the better buy?

I’ve set the two lines up for photos and side-by-side comparison over on the forum; it’s worth a look if you’re at all interested in staging any kind of modern minifig combat.

Little Armory Toys Inc.
BrickArms L.L.C.
Modern Firearms Review on the BrikWars Frappr Forum
Mike - June 26, 2006 - Brick Links
The deadly AK-0937
These minifigs have been waiting a long time for weapons like this!

There’s been quite a bit going on lately – BrikWars got a full review on All Games Considered a few weeks ago, much to my surprise. Please ignore anything they say about chapter eight. I deny all knowledge of how they might think that it’s missing.

In unrelated news, a new custom-parts shop has opened up to answer the unfilled need for minifig-compatible modern and WWII firearm elements. And they’re high-quality bits, too; I just got a big batch delivered and I’m loving the designs. Check out the new offerings from

All Games Considered
BrickArms, the Modern Minifig Armory