Pesconian Empire

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Pesconian Empire
Blank fig.jpg
TL 5
Small Empire
None listed
Aquatian League
Notable People
A Pesconian underwater combat force.

Originally the Pesconian Patrol Ships supported a light VTOL-aircraft for reconnicance and light combat support. These where however discarded when the Pesconians hardly could reach Tharaskian shores due to the Aquantian League blockade. The Solution to Pesconian Patrol Ships being easy prey for the strong and predatory Aquantian League submersive-navy was the devlopment of the Pesconian Light Naval Mech aswell as upgraded under-water weapons for the marines onboard.

All marines are trained in warfare under the surface aswell as on land, the dual-purpose lance-gun is a fairly new weapon that quickly became standard for these elite troopers. It can either fire a heavy harpoon or in its normal fiering-mode lash out conventional lance-beams.

Army thread