Ordo Omega

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Ascendant Order
Religious Movement
Tek Level 7
Holds an iron grip on the Delta cluster, maintains a presence in Alpha and Upsilon as well.

Headquarters:City of Rebirth

Svoboda, Armata Alliance, Black Legion
Notable People

A Paladin of the Order, Elite Holy warriors and servants of Moloch. Art by Ninja_Bait

The Ascendant Order, Previously known as the Moloch Vorhut (Meaning Moloch's Vanguard) are a quasi-religious movement from the Monolith Battleplates

Ascendant Order Color Code
Primary Secondary Tertiary Transparent (Vehicle) Transparent (Weapon) Faction Identifier
Red Black Bright light orange Smoked Red Red


Founded by the Charismatic and enigmatic individual known as Moloch in ancient times. Originally known simply as Moloch's followers, they crusaded around the realm on a mission to acheive what was only known as "Ascension". However Moloch was believed to be killed many eras ago, and the organization transformed into a perverted and destructive purge under the control of a series of manipulative warlords who had tricked the followers into believeing they were reincarnations of their great leader. Eventually descending into revering Moloch as a God.

The last of these pretenders was Rix, who stole power from his predecessor by organizing a secret deal with the Slavonik Imperiya to assassinate him. He took power for a time, but after Rix stopped being of use to the Imperiya, his treachery was revealed to other leaders within the Order.

After the Battle of the Nexus and the destruction of the Monolith crystal. Rix was arrested and brought before the entirety of the Order to be publicly executed. However just before the deed was done, an Officer present on the stage approached and revealed himself to be none other than Moloch, long thought dead. The members of the Order celebrated and Rix was cut down on the spot. Afterwards, Moloch had revealed that he had returned to guide the Order back on the right path, and that he was not happy with how he had been viewed as a god as that honor had not yet been earned. So he ordered that the Order be renamed to the Ascendant Order A few changes would be made as Moloch resumed control of his following.

The Order then became embroiled in it's first major war of the new Era, where Moloch declared the Black Legion to be the Order's doctrinal enemy, and the two fought without end.

Ethos & Objectives

The Order almost entirely follows the "prophetic" teachings of Moloch. For at the end of the journey he promises each of his loyal followers a state of higher being when he finally completes the necessary steps to "Ascend"

Since the Battle of the Nexus, events like the Collapse, and the civilization of the Elders have become ancient history. However for the few that are still aware of this period, it is strongly believed that Moloch is a surviving Elder, magik users of old. His ultimate goal is unknown, but it can be inferred that some part of his plan involves either taking power over the realm itself in the absence of the Monolith, or that he is looking to give his followers similar powers. It could also be that his ultimate goal has nothing to do with either of these outcomes.


The Order is led by a number of Officers and Generals, all whom follow the prophetic word of their great leader, Moloch.

Character Picture Rank Notes Status
Moloch Prophet Molokh is remembered as a charasmatic albeit violent individual who claimed to be the Messiah, many of his teachings proved prophetic and he ammassed a following of servants and cultists loyal to him. His cult revolved around lighting people he didn't like on fire. Eventually gaining a large Following of mortals who followed his teachings and wished to join him on the path of Ascension which he would preach about. He had once been killed, by mysteriously reappeared in R2020 after the destruction of the Monolith. He has resumed leadership of the faction and turned it back on it's original path. To ascend to a higher state of being along with his loyal servants. Alive, Resurrected by means unknown
Jericho Lord of the Flame The 13th Holy Phoenix, Said to be the 13th reincarnation of the Blessed lord Moloch. He holds possession of a powerful artifakt known as the Null Rod, an Elder weapon that can kill foes with a simple touch. Said artifakt is one of the main ways the line of Phoenixes use to make their followers beileve they have divine power.

He was introduced in Chapter 1, although had no lines. He was killed in Chapter 3 during an event of orchestrated Chaos, where Svoboda insurgents and other beast tribes attacked him while travelling. His death led to the takeover by the 14th Phoenix, "Rix". Who though responsible, successfully shifted the blame onto the Order's usual suspects.

Dead, Assassinated by Imperiya Spetsnaz
Rix Lord of the Flame The 14th Holy Phoenix, reincarnation of the Blessed lord Moloch. He gained power by orchestrating the assassination of his predecesor by means of Svoboda agitators, and immediatley started an uproar of religious panic and fervour, that saw himself recognized as the new Phoenix. He immediatley changed many facets of the Order to "Prevent further heresey" and greatly expanded his own control over matters in the Holy Territory. Promoting a number of Paladins to the rank of High Inquisitor, effectively his personal Generals.

Eventually he was betrayed by the Imperiya, who leaked his involvement of treachery to his officers, who immediately arrested and executed him. But not before Moloch revealed himself to be alive.

Dead, executed by Marcion on behalf of Moloch.
Marcion Grand Vizir A loyal General of Jericho, and later Rix until his betrayal was made known. Marcion now serves as Moloch's most trusted member of his Inner Circle, and second in command. Alive
Saraya Vizir Formerly a General of the traitor Rix, she renounced her allegiance and intended on becoming Marcion's second in command before Moloch returned. She has since relegated herself to maintain a respectable command position in charge of a signifigant portion of the Order's forces Alive


The Ascendant military forces are made up of several Castes. Formations generally consist of a mixture of all groups. With Paladins often leading groups of Militants

  • Vicars are the Officers and field commanders of the Army, They also fill the role of Judge in criminal matters on the road. Vicars are most notorious for ordering the kidnapping or murders of many innocents who had offended them
  • Paladins are the main warrior caste of the Order. The strongest, most loyal and most pious of volunteers are selected to be the Elite Crusaders of the lord Moloch's army.
  • Sentinels are the specialists and scouts of the Army, they hold authority over the Chosen, But are subordinate to the Paladins. Becoming a Sentinel is usually the most a Militant can hope to achieve.
  • Militants are the light warriors of the Order, mostly made up of poor individuals who have nowhere else to go, they also consist of volunteers who do not meet the Order's strict requirements for the Paladin caste.