Inspirational Media
Oleetku fighters!
Mike - September 30, 2008 - Inspirational Media, Podcasts
I came across a couple of BrikWars reviews today – the first is great for its use of the term “Brick nipples,” but the second is simply amazing. It may be the single best BrikWars review I’ve ever listened to. It’s only four episodes after the Dwarf Fortress review, and they only used the phrase “really retardedly broken” once.

The verdict: “This is a game where you can have dueling spider robots covered in ninjas crashing into each other under an airship exploding.”

Play This Thing Game Reviews: Tabletop Tuesday: BrikWars
Oleetku Studios Freeware Game Review #15: BrikWars (scroll down to episode 15)
Nice. But the name makes me wish their logo was an armchair in uniform.
Mike - August 5, 2008 - Inspirational Media

Armchair General is putting up a pretty awesome series of articles – “Tactics 101,” in which they cover a specific tactical concept each month and describe how to use it in play. While most BrikWars games will never reach this level of seriousness, I still find myself wishing I’d discovered this series months ago.

Tactics 101 on Armchair General
Armchair General magazine
Mike - May 24, 2008 - Inspirational Media

McDo and Cyborgorc Productions have put together a show-stopping stop-motion tribute to BrikWars. They present Once Upon a Stranded Toybox, in which the armies of Dark Owl and Indianapolis Jack brave blood, destruction, and musical numbers in “an epic battle for the universe, and one piece of pizza!”

Mike - January 16, 2008 - Inspirational Media

Leonardo812 has posted to the forums to announce his brand new BrikWars trailer. Using brick-based stop-motion animation (and some voice acting help from Moronstudios), he’s managed to perfectly capture the fun and adrenaline-packed excitement of an actual BrikWars game in progress.

Leonardo812’s BrikWars Trailer on YouTube
The BrikWars Trailer thread on the forums
Space Marine versus Deadly SpaceMan - who would win? And who would have more fun in the process?
Mike - November 29, 2007 - Artwork, Inspirational Media

Roys over at The Download Munkey draws an interesting parallel between the BrikWars painting and Kev Walker’s “Last Stand” art for WH40K. Man I sure hope that our version came first.

“War With Mini-Figs” on The Download Munkey
Last Man Standing: the commemorative plaque.

Almighty Benny has cemented his position as BrikWars Genius by turning a good idea for rewarding mayhem into what may very well be the greatest BrikWars YouTube movie created to date. His “Last Man Standing” rule gives powerful bonuses to players who burn through all their excess troops in a hurry.

The rule and the battles that followed are described and discussed in great detail in the Frappr forum thread, and the battlefield adventures of the Imperial Navy, the Castle Guards, and the SWAT Team are immortalized forever in their YouTube epic.

The Last Man Standing thread on the Frappr forum
The Last Man Standing epic movie on YouTube
Skitzo’s battle photos on BrickShelf
Oh come on. Those aren't proper minifig proportions.
Mike - June 22, 2007 - Brick Links, Inspirational Media, Other Games

For those who haven’t seen it yet, Kotaku’s got an exclusive concept trailer for the upcoming Lego Universe MMOG.

Kotaku exclusive: The LEGO Universe Trailer

The high point of this month’s Escapist magazine is a great article by Allen Varney. Entitled “LEGO Games – More ways to stack bricks than you can easily imagine,” it’s a quick overview of the wide world of Lego gaming, and a little of its culture and history.

BrikWars gets a fair amount of good press, but my favorite bit of the article comes near the end:

    “And how long until we get collectible LEGO games a la HeroClix? Designing a good clicky-base miniatures army feels (metaphorically) like assembling a model – that is, putting together a little machine with lots of complementary, interlocking parts.”

Isn’t that the truth!

LEGO Games – More ways to stack bricks than you can easily imagine
Sosuke is a religious adherent to the Rule of Fudge.
Mike - February 22, 2007 - Brick Links, Inspirational Media

My schedule’s been packed lately, but I’d be completely derelict in my duty if I didn’t make a note here about the fact that BrickArms just released a giant pile of new weapons that are simply unbelievable. You’ll all be especially excited to hear that we can finally get some minifig-compatible grenades.

Or, you would be excited to hear that, if that’s what I were here to tell you about. But the real reason I’m posting is because I want every one of you to go watch this clip on YouTube before it gets taken down. Merely witnessing it will make every one of you a better BrikWars player. It’s a quick clip from Full Metal Panic Fumoffu, and and it may represent the finest grenade-based attack of all time.

YouTube: Sosuke vs the Karate Triplets
BrickArms, the Modern Minifig Armory
Mike - January 20, 2006 - Brick Links, Inspirational Media
Now it was on - HARDCORE!
The pirates were like, “We’re going to explode!”
And then they exploded!
Just like they predicted!!!

These links have nothing to do with BrikWars. But then again, they have everything to do with BrikWars. It’s a crime that I haven’t posted some of these earlier.

You’ll need Flash for all of them. And, as it turns out, the last one does have a brief cameo by one of Dave Eaton’s BrikWars units, if you watch real close.

The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
How to Kill a Mockingbird