Gold Sector

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(Gold Sector)
Space Sector
Galaxia Nehellenium
Periods of Interest
Peach-Elkoss War (2007-2011)

Galacian Republic Era(2015-2017) Galacia-Pact War

50 Billion
Orange Transparent, Green Transparent, Gemstones, ABS, Salt, Tears
Controlled By
Galacian Republic
GR, CSZ, CB, TSOH, PPR, Others.
Key Locations
Elkoss,Nova Galatzia, Zaphorzia, Volhinya, Sturgia

This article is about the region of the Nehellium Galaxy where Kastrenzo's factions exist

The Gold sector is a cluster of some 400 star systems that lies between the Western Arms and The Shire , It is largely Dominated by the Galacian Republic however the sector is embroiled in a clusterfuck of biblical porportions with over 20 seperate entities fighting all over the sector within alliances or on their own.

Iron Symphony Forces

Maripol Pact

Peach revolutionary Army

  • Zelenogorsk Peach People's Republik
  • Vulgaria Peach People's Republik
  • Lazar Peach People's Republik
  • Peach Mercenaries
  • Smugglers in service of Peach Warlords


  • A few criminal and smuggler gangs
  • Reprogrammed Briktoid Automata Killbots and other robots. *Controlled by Soviets*


Rubrum Crucesignatis

Independent empires or forces not apart of any alliance - These factions may be acting on their own agenda, or have not chosen a side, or to make another alliance yet.

The flag of the Elkossian Star Empire, which fell out of use after the empire was shattered and balkanized as a result of the peach war.

Political map showing control of the major populated star systems in the Gold Sector Q1 R.2017, . Only major systems are shown, lesser populated systems exist both in and out of this core region but these are not shown on the map. Systems with Letters on them indicate the capital or home base for a faction operating in the Sector

Origins, Regions and Prefectures

When the minifigs of Elkoss became spacefaring, they colonized a few systems close to their homeworld, Caspia being the first. However after the first wave they were unable to find habitable worlds in range of their ships, so they began shooting long range arks with minifigs in hypersleep in random directions from the original colonies. The original colonies remained a part of the homeworld's empire, but these Arks, at the time ended up landing on worlds far outside communications range. The arks that survived ended up on their own, and one by one, multiple independent colonies propped up all over the sector, while they shared the same history, they would develop their own cultures, and some even colonized other systems of their own.

Two notable exceptions, that were not apart of the core worlds, nor colonized by the "Seeder Arks" were he Zircon and Vincent systems. These systems had primitive civilizations both in TL5 Stage, they were both eventually assimilated into the old Empire.

By the time that these cultures began to meet each other, they had taken control of what is now known as the Gold Sector. Some of these cultures got along and traded, others fought, and some were even wiped out. Eventually, the more numerous and advanced core worlds negotiated, acquired, and subjugated all of the lost colonies back into their empire. Just like before, the transition was smoother in some places than others. The most Rebellious being those in the extreme west and south

In R.2011, The entire Gold sector with the exception of he territories around the Ulvarattan, Malavinas and Kamchatkan systems were under the control of the Elkossian Empire as it reached it's peak of territorial expansion, compared to present time, many of the colonies were considerably smaller and less developed in R.2011. After the Great Peach war of R.2011/2012, Some colonies were completely exterminated, and most lost contact with one another, left to their own devices again, the more powerful colonies that survived started to do their own thing again while the capital rebuilt.

Per usual, when the Elkoss based capital came knocking the second time, some rejoined, and others rejected, of course this offended the capital, and it eventually led to several "rebel" states that inhabit the cluster today.

Space Age "Cultures" are known as "Regions", they do not hold any jurisdictional territory, but refer to the colonies that were originally colonized by the seeder arks in the early space colonization days.

Late Elkossian and present day Galacian Prefectures, Usually named after minerals and gems. Are administrative divisions, the stellar equivalent of provinces or subsectors. They house their own subsector governments and have specialized economies. Some of these prefectures are completely under the control of Non-Loyalist forces, however.

Political Maps