Operation White Hart

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The Plan

White Hart Galacian is the name of secret plan to end the Galacian Civil War in one fell swoop.

Galacian Field Marshall Shugla invited several leaders of factions which with Galacia is at war, including Count Von Schnapps of South Galacia, Prinz Bohemond of Volhinya, Emperor Ato of Space Austria, The Hammed the High Militant of the Peach Brotherhood, and Ibeus Pendragon of the Imperial Magikstrate. The field Marshall feigned truce in order to ease his enemies into a false sense of security, they were separated from their entourages, and stripped of all lazer weapons. then trapped all five men in a Galacian outpost.

Shugla planned to flood the room with poisonous gas, but Prinz Bohemond pulled a handgun and shot the Field Marshall in the chest.

Shugla survived his injuries, but he was unable to give the signal that would release the gas, meanwhile his enemies drew bullet-weapons in the meeting room, Ibeus noticed a secret exit, and the 5 leaders began fighting for their lives through the base

The Results

the battle has yet to begin, but when it does results and pictures will be posted here.