Greater Empire of Lietuva

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Greater Empire of Lietuva
Military Junta
Tek Level 6
30 Systems
Assyria (considered as cultural kins)
Konfederacja Polska
Intermarium Coalition
Notable People
Vytautas Blinda

Generalisimas Blinda inspecting his troops

The Greater Empire of Lietuva emerged from the National Front of Lietuva (not to be confused with the defunct Lietuvan National Front), an ultra-nationalist paramilitary organization, which managed to overthrow the Soviet puppet government on Planet Vilnius and enforce their own agenda. While hostile towards the Soviet occupants, they have an even greater animosity towards Poles, as they are blamed for ruining any possibility of maintaining a great empire centuries ago, by forging the Polish-Lietuvan Union. Most members also tend to shoot peaches on sight. While not every Lietuvan shares the same views as the National Front, it was them, who succeeded in achieving their personal goals of liberation.