Zjednoczona Rzeczpospolita Polska

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Konfederacja Polska
Confederate flag.png
Federated Republic
Tek Level 6
190 systems
None listed
Third Alliance
Notable People
Bracia Pułkownik Jerzy Durer

Presydent Sadow

The Konfederacja Polska (also known as Confederation of Polonia among abroad nations) is a smaller nation, which however possesses a potent army and a strong navy. Despite being raided countless times by nations like the USSSR and Bavaria, the Poles managed to keep fighting and therefore never vanished entirely from the Nehellenium Galaxy.


The Polish people has always been surprisingly defensive, compared to other cultures of the BrikVerse, which is mostly due to the fact, that the territory of the former Polish Kingdom has been invaded by Russian and Pan-Germanic nations alike. In BR 2,014 however, a civil war erupted and the Polish resistance managed to drive back the Russian occupation force. On top of that, many politicians sympathizing with the Russian invaders have been removed from office and sentenced to prison.

Plans were forged to established a new federated republic inside Polish territory, but many smaller nations strongly disagreed and wanted to remain independent. In the end, only Krakow was able to split apart successfully from the rest of Polish territory and managed to form a union with a formidable army. The other half has been formed into a confederation, closer resembling the idea of a modern republic.

Government and Politics

The Presydent, who is elected by the people, serves as the Head of State of the Confederation, with Małgorzata Sadow being the first one in office. Furthermore, politicians of different political parties gather to a parliament, that makes political decisions and prevents the Presydent from getting shit done. Although the Church of the Great Creator has a great influence on Polish culture and works together with different Confederate institutions, Church and State are separated from each other by law.

Currently, the Confederation strives to regain it's former strengh and crush any nation, that invaded Polish territory at least once.

Every Day Life

Poles inside the Confederation live under decent conditions. Most of them serve their Fatherland by either joining the army or strengthening it's economy by doing physical labor. Some Poles, however, migrated to different nations of the Galaxy and offered their expertise (mostly in craftsmanship) to them. Compared to most nations with a yellow majority, peaches are considered equal to yellows, regarding civil rights and citizenship. In spite of this, they have to face discrimination and harassment by yellow extremists every day.

Important Organizations

Armia Konfederacji

To be continued

Gwiezdna Flota

To be continued

Bracia Dobrzyńcy

To be continued

Kościół Wielkiego Stwórca

The Great Creator is the deity, that is worshiped by the majority of the citizens of Polonia and is said to have not only created the BrikVerse and ABS, but also the world beyond, being inhabited by humans, who they see as the Creators heralds. Recently, the Church of the Great Creator has only regional influence, mainly due to past oppression by the USSSR. In that time, many worshipers were persecuted and Religion in general abolished, in order to further demoralize and humiliate the Polish population.

To be continued